Dogs Improve The Health Of Babies

Dogs improve the health of babies

When their dog becomes pregnant, some couples with pets are left undecided about what to do. In fact, the fact that a child cannot be born into a family where there is an animal is just a myth. On the contrary, dogs improve the health of babies.

Are you interested in knowing how? Here you will find the answer, because we at My Animals are not only interested in your animals, but also in you and your family.

Here’s how dogs improve the health of babies


Author: Freebird

Sometimes we make the mistake of wanting to protect our baby from everything, even the noises of the night, just to keep him from waking up. However, this attitude only weakens the health and development of his psychomotor system, making him fearful and not very resistant to disease.

Recent studies have claimed that having a dog can improve babies’ health in various ways.

You study in Finland

Recent research carried out in Finland involved 397 newborns, half of whom shared a home with an animal. According to the results, each of the children raised with a dog had fewer colds and ear infections in the first year of life, had to take fewer medications, and coughed and sneezed less than children who did not live with a dog.

Why? The answer is simple. Often finding themselves in contact with the outside world, dogs unwittingly carry some microorganisms and small bacteria within the walls of the house. Don’t worry! It might sound risky, but it’s not. This phenomenon in fact induces the strengthening of the immune system of the newborn, making it less likely to contract diseases.

Conversely, a child raised inside a “love bubble” that prevents him from being exposed to external elements will tend to contract disease more quickly and intensely  as soon as he comes into contact with the smallest microorganism.

Studies from the journal Pediatrics

The studies carried out by this journal owned by the American Association of Pediatrics have served to corroborate the research carried out in Finland.

In addition, they found that having a dog in the home leads to fewer infants suffering from respiratory problems, and reducing asthma.

The conclusions drawn are the same. A child needs to live in the real world, exposed to all particles in the environment, so that his body learns how to fight them when it senses danger.

The percentages that emerged from the Pediatrics research are high. In the case of children raised with a dog, the likelihood of contracting diseases is reduced by 44%.

Well, maybe even those who didn’t have a dog are starting to think about getting one: but how to choose?

Which dog to choose if you have a child

Of course, there is no need to emphasize the importance of taking all the necessary precautions so that the dog is always clean and does not lick the baby, just as the little one does not have to insert his hand into the animal’s mouth. In any case, rest assured that having a dog will improve the health of the little ones, and adopting one will help strengthen the health of your children.

It has been proven that the best dog breeds to support newborns are those of large tonnage, which will play the role of excellent caregivers, horses or even pillows.

Even the most aggressive looking dogs actually develop a strong affection for babies, which they will protect to the end, at any cost. No matter what troubles your little one gets up to, a dog will never get mad at him, and his patience will reach unsuspected limits, which will amaze you too.

Large dogs

If you have the space to keep a large dog at home, we recommend:

  • Great Dane
  • Golden Retriever
  • Collie
  • Spanish Mastiff
  • St. Bernard

Medium or small dogs

child on the sand with dogs

If you live in a small apartment or if your financial resources do not allow you to feed a dog of that size, we offer you a list of dogs of medium or small size equally suitable for being with children and improving their health:

  • Pug
  • Boxer
  • Beagle
  • French Bull Dog

Of course, any dog ​​can benefit a newborn’s health – whatever your choice, it won’t be wrong. Furthermore, we are sure that you will have a lot of fun moments with your child and your dog.

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