Dogs Trained For Women Victims Of Violence

Dogs trained for women who are victims of violence

A revolutionary project to provide help to women victims of violence is to use trained dogs for their psycho-social recovery path. We tell you what it is:

This is an innovative project, called Escan, whose goal is to provide support to women and children who are victims of violence, thanks to the help of trained dogs,  which in addition to offering them company have the task of guaranteeing them a certain safety.

The project provides women with two defense mechanisms:

  • The use of animals as part of recovery therapy, in order to be able to create a bond of trust with the psychological support of the institution.
  • An effective defense mechanism in the event of an imminent attack, although more than for defense dogs of this type are used to intimidate and to ensure that aggressions do not occur.

    Thanks to the success of the program, it was thought of the possibility of including it in the network of attention centers specialized in helping women victims of gender-based violence, so as to be able to provide more women next year opportunity to live this experience.

    This model is primarily intended for women who have experienced abuse, and whose partners have received a restraining order against them . In these cases it is normal for the person to be afraid of going out alone and the dog can represent a great protection for the person.

    Trained dogs, an element of safety

    The fear is by no means unfounded, in fact hundreds of women die at the hands of a partner or a family member. The dog can instill the necessary confidence to face the world,  with the dangers that it implies and of which these women are all too aware.


    Furthermore, let’s not forget that therapies involving animals, especially dogs, tend to have a positive impact on an emotional level. They involve mental recovery for the couple, a range of benefits for dog caregivers, the pleasure of carrying out rewarding activities, an increase in social interaction and many other positive aspects.

    A group of psychologists and social workers would have the task of selecting the victims suitable for receiving this type of treatment, to ensure that the animal does not run any risk.  

    Dogs would come into contact mainly with people suffering from particular anxieties, low self-esteem, depression, social isolation and addiction.

    In addition to having the right sociological profile, these women should have a sentence that proves their actual status as victims of gender-based violence, as well as enjoy the protection of a restraining order, which prevents the partner from approaching, both irrefutable facts that prove that the victim is in a real danger situation.

    In addition to the green light of the psychologists, the candidates will be evaluated by expert dog trainers, who will verify whether or not the person is able to establish a human-dog compatibility.



    For this program, dog training is essential. Will be selected dogs belonging to breeds ideal for intimidation, but also famous for their obedience and loyalty.

    The training process has an average duration of three months, during which the dogs will be trained to obey the verbal orders of the victim and will be taught, in addition to the most basic commands, those that will allow them to act in case of imminent danger from the owner. .

    In order to avoid any type of accident, the victims will be provided with psychological assistance:  in fact, the dog will be trained to act only to defend the victim, in case the victim orders it.

    Thus,  the victim himself will be instructed to understand that the dog is not a weapon, but a living being with emotions, who will do everything to protect it. But it is crucial not to abuse this power.

    The main goal of this program is for the victim to feel confident enough to lead a normal life and for the potential attacker to be intimidated by the dog’s presence.

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