Extravagant Behavior In Cats

Extravagant Behaviors in Cats

There is no doubt that cats are somewhat strange animals. There is a huge amount of things that cats do that can be incomprehensible to us humans.

What explanation can have the fact that a cat washes all day but then when you want to bathe it runs away in fear? Why is he hiding behind a crate? And why do you knead? What triggers that frequent movement of the legs that it does especially on our womb?

With this article we will dive into the world of the weirdest cat behaviors, and for which no matter how hard we try, we can’t find an explanation. Be careful!

Why are they hiding inside the crates?

You approached that old box you had in the house and you found it there, peacefully asleep.

Yes, cats love to hide in crates. This behavior is inexplicable, but it could be explained by the fact that felines love to spend moments in their intimacy, which implies being alone, isolated, in a place where no one disturbs them.

This is why the cash desks could be the ideal place.

In addition, the crates represent a perfect refuge : they give protection on three sides as well as the possibility of seeing what is happening outside thanks to the opening.

Also keep in mind that felines are hunters. So that if they are hidden in a box and see something interesting pass by, they can pop up and make a surprise ambush. Sometimes it could be the


legs, more than a potential dinner.

Why do cats purr?


Another typical cat behavior is to purr for several minutes. There are various theories as to why they do this, and one of them associates purring with their positive experiences, such as receiving food or caresses, so it is considered a phenomenon linked to a state of happiness.

Cats learn to purr a few days after birth. Investigators say it is a way of communicating “I’m fine” to their mom.

But cats purr even when they’re scared or injured, so it’s not always a way of communicating joy.

Purring occurs when the cat’s brain sends messages to the muscles of the larynx, the muscles around the vocal cords, and this allows it to contract for a series of 25 to 150 times per second.

Some research suggests that the frequencies of these types of sounds may be therapeutic for bone strengthening, as well as causing pain relief.

Why do they knead?


According to scientists, cats’ behaviors towards humans are generated primarily by instinct, including the tendency to knead – a movement that kittens make on their mother’s tummy to stimulate the flow of milk.

It is easy to believe that once adults, cats associate movement with asking for food from their mother, and that for this reason they continue to do so even when they are no longer kittens.

But that is not all. Felines are also known for kneading pillows and other surfaces. In this sense, another plausible explanation is that it is a behavior linked to the habit of wild cats to prepare a bed made of foliage.

Finally, a further theory explains that cats, having scent glands in their paws, could use this technique to mark territory.

What is their relationship with catnip?

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a strange drug for cats. After smelling the plant, which resembles mint, they tend to get euphoric. However, the effect is not the same for all cats.

About 20-30% of cats do not seem to suffer from the effects of catnip.

In the case of felines that are affected by it, according to what the scientists report, the reported effects are due to the compound called nepetalactone, which has the same properties as a hormone that drives them crazy.

Why do they hate water when they can spend hours washing themselves?

One reason is due to the fact that the fur of the felines takes a long time to dry, causing not a little annoyance to these animals; another reason for their natural aversion to getting wet could lie in the fact that the smell emanating when wet is a clear indication for the preys.

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