Fatal Pregnancies In Dogs

Fatal pregnancies in dogs

The little dogs have a gestation process that goes from 58 to 67 days.  The period before giving birth can be exciting and fun. However, you need to be aware of the risks your dog may run during delivery.

Steps to consider

A good idea is to record your dog’s mating date in a log so that you can estimate the approximate date of delivery. After the first 35 days of pregnancy, the caloric needs of the pregnant dog will begin to increase. He will have to consume double the usual food, so contact your vet for advice on the most suitable diet for this phase.

Exercise is also important for a pregnant dog; therefore, it should not be reduced until after the first 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. Also, beware of vitamins which, if given in excess, could also be harmful to puppies. Therefore, it is important to always consult your vet, to know how to keep your dog healthy during pregnancy.

Approximately, on the 4th and 5th day you will have to have your dog examined by the vet, who could recommend an ultrasound scan, which among other things would allow you to observe her puppies.

Ultrasound can be helpful in confirming pregnancy after day 25.

You will need to prepare a comfortable area for the bitch to give birth and raise the puppies: she  must feel comfortable, and be able to walk as she pleases, while keeping an eye on her puppies.

If there are other dogs in the house, it is important that they are isolated from their mother for at least three weeks after giving birth to avoid herpes infection, which is transmitted when dogs lick or sniff each other. Adult dogs rarely show symptoms, but puppies who get this infection, especially newborns, usually die. To avoid unpleasant inconveniences, it is good to isolate the dog and her puppies.

Problems during childbirth


If your dog’s gestation process has been followed by the vet, there will certainly be no problems at the time of delivery.  For this reason, it is very important to carry out the preventive examination when you think that your dog has become pregnant. Take her to the vet so she can prevent any complications. You have to keep in mind that females often suffer from cardiorespiratory diseases. Although this problem does not cause the death of the animal, it is important that it is identified, to keep it under control during the birth.

Problems in expelling puppies.

Many times the size of the puppies and the position in which they are in the uterine duct can cause problems in expulsion. In these cases, it is important that the vet is present at the time of delivery, as his experience can be helpful in improving the situation.

If you have a brachycephalic dog, be careful!  Bulldog bitches, for example, due to the large head size of puppies, usually undergo a caesarean section.

Ischemia / reperfusion syndrome. This complication causes your dog’s heart to pump more blood than it should after an ischemia, which can lead to death.

What to do during childbirth?


As the day of delivery approaches, you will need to start checking your dog’s rectal temperature. When the temperature drops below 37 degrees (the normal canine temperature is 38-39 degrees C), labor can occur within 24 hours. During this stage, the contractions of the uterus will begin. The dog will be very restless, you will notice that she wanders, vomits, digs and shivers. These are all normal symptoms: this phase is very long, lasting between 6 and 12 hours, until the dilation of the cervix is ​​complete.

The second phase is known as the “laborphase : it occurs when the mother expels the puppies. The third phase, on the other hand, is that of the expulsion of the placenta.

Puppies are born covered in membranes, which must be cleaned, to avoid their suffocation. The mother will bite and lick the membranes; allow her to do this a minute or two after birth; if it doesn’t, you have to do it.

Simply remove the slippery cover and scrub the puppy with a clean towel. You will also have to cut the umbilical cord. The mother will surely want to eat the placenta, but don’t allow it, it’s not a good idea, because after a while it will cause her to vomit. Therefore, it is better that you eliminate it yourself.

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