Feeding Parrots

The feeding of parrots

Nutrition is a very important aspect in pet care. If we choose to adopt an exotic animal as a pet, nutrition becomes essential, so pay close attention, because we will reveal  everything there is to know about parrot nutrition.

First of all, keep in mind that parrots are animals that commonly live in warm or tropical climates, so you will need to look for foods characteristic of the area the animal comes from. Also, you should know that you cannot give them anything: some foods, in fact, could be harmful to their health.

Proper nutrition is directly proportional to the vitality shown by the animal, as well as to the appearance of the plumage and beak. Although parrots are long-lived animals , proper nutrition will guarantee the animal a life that is as healthy as possible, as it will allow it to better tolerate environmental changes and to reduce or completely ward off the risk of developing certain diseases, since the immune system , the internal organs and cells of the body will be stronger.

What is the parrot diet?

This varies considerably according to the species, even if, in principle, it is based on various types of fruit, vegetables and seeds; however, some specimens even hunt mammals, reptiles, and small birds. For pets, dry food is generally used, such as feed.

Recommended fruit


Before feeding your parrot a fruit-based diet, you need to keep in mind the glucose content of this fruit . For example, melon or banana are fruits that can be consumed in very careful doses, no more than twice a week, as the glucose content is very high. The same is true for fruits with a high sucrose content, as the joining of glucose and fructose would occur (e.g. mango or cherries).

By taking the above recommendation into consideration, you can give your parrot any type of fruit. But don’t forget that you have to offer him a varied diet, otherwise he might get bored eating the same foods. We also advise you to vary the color of the fruits : it is a way to be aware that we are providing them with different types of vitamins and nutrients. It would be preferable to prepare portions containing three different types of fruit. Some of the most suitable fruits for your parrot are: apples, pears and oranges.

You can also give them some vegetables, which they love, such as peppers and tomatoes. The important thing is never to feed him avocado : it could be fatal for him.

Recommended vegetables

In their natural environment, parrots supplement their diet by eating different vegetables, which you can choose based on color. They are usually fond of green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli or chard. You can also give him lettuce, but in moderation: frequent consumption of this vegetable could cause him diarrhea.

Carrots, celery and cauliflower are also suitable for feeding the parrot. Avoid feeding the tubers often, as they may be difficult to digest.



There are several brands of feed for your parrot on the market. We advise you never to miss it in your pet’s diet, even if this does not mean that it is a strictly necessary food. In their natural habitat, parrots usually consume small amounts of mud, clay or small stones, which facilitate digestion. For animals living in captivity, these can be replaced with feed. Remember that there are specific feeds for each species and, above all, you must also consider the size of the animal to choose the most suitable one.

Other foods

Other types of foods that you can add to your parrot’s diet, even if not frequently, are pasta and some legumes (although they may be difficult for him to digest) which we recommend serving together with feed, cereals, wholemeal bread. , chicken strips or cooked fish, without seasoning.

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