German Shepherd, A Surprising Breed

German Shepherd, an amazing breed

Also known as a German Shepherd Dog, this breed originating in Germany actually has a fairly recent history. The first examples, in fact, appeared close to the nineteenth century. Bred to look after flocks of sheep, the German Shepherd is a truly formidable dog. Faithful, obedient and affectionate, perfect to accompany the man in all circumstances. Here’s everything worth knowing about this amazing breed.

History of the German Shepherd

Army captain Maximilian Von Stephanitz is considered the real ‘father’ of the German shepherd. Thanks to his initiative it was possible to develop this famous breed. The goal was to guide and accompany the flocks. Obviously, defending the sheep from wolves, foxes and other carnivores. A sort of bodyguard capable of offering assistance to farmers and shepherds.

German Shepherd, an amazing breed

In 1899 the Friends of the German Shepherd Association was founded and it is precisely with this date that the official birth of the breed is identified. The best specimens were chosen to make robust and healthy crosses, therefore to obtain a practically perfect dog from a physical and psychological point of view.

The association’s first German Shepherd was named ‘Jack’. He was very powerful, with a grayish hue of fur and a very wolf-like appearance. Von Stephanitz worked to raise descendants suitable for work, contact with peasants and life in the fields.

The next step was to offer this new and effective breed as an official dog of the German police and army. The German Shepherd immediately proved to be more intelligent than other breeds, with a very high physical resistance and total reliability. So much so that it was immediately used to accompany the visually impaired.

During the Second World War, this multipurpose dog became essential in search and patrol operations, further expanding the qualities of an internationally loved and admired dog.

Physical characteristics of the German Shepherd

It is a medium to large dog with a sturdy appearance and a strong scissor bite jaw. From an aesthetic point of view, the typical color of the German Shepherd is a black coat with shades of brown, reddish or even gray.

Adult males can weigh between 30 and 40 kg. Females rank lower, between 20 and 30 kg. The height at the withers is 65 and 55 cm respectively. Compared to age, the life expectancy of the German Shepherd can even reach 13 years. As children, just puppies, they have the particularity of having their ears hanging down. Starting from the third month, they straighten themselves or, as often happens, the owners opt to blindfold them and thus facilitate the process.

The eyes are almond-colored and of medium size. The head is proportionate to the length of the body and a pronounced nose, always dark in color, stands out on the muzzle.

Compared to the hair, this  is thick, divided into two levels. The outer part allows the dog to resist bad weather, while the inner one, smoother and denser, is used to maintain body heat. The German Shepherd sheds their coat throughout the year, particularly in the fall and spring. For this reason, it is necessary to comb it every day.

Due to its enormous flexibility, it is possible to use the German Shepherd in an infinite number of jobs : guard dog, police dog or drug dog, for personal defense or as a shepherd (in Great Britain and the United States it is still used today to accompany the flocks).

As for physical health, it should be remembered that this dog must be vaccinated in time, to avoid the onset of dangerous diseases, such as distemper. His main problem arises, however, in old age. This breed is prone to suffer from so-called hip dysplasia and, to a lesser extent, von Willebrand’s disease and pancreatic insufficiency.

Personality and temperament of the German Shepherd

German Shepherd, an amazing breed

Even if it is a fairly recent breed. the German Shepherd Dog has been able to establish a strong relationship with humans. Born as a simple guardian for the flock, today his great physical qualities and his marked intelligence are known. Reliable, obedient and courageous, today he is certainly one of the most loved dogs in the world.

It is no coincidence that it is often referred to as a perfect animal to be with children. At the same time, he is cautious and careful with those who know little. Always ready to shoot, take action and defend the people he loves, his family and his owners.

However, his enormous fidelity does not necessarily imply that constant contact must be maintained. Compared to other dogs, it is in fact capable of being alone without the risk of feeling isolated or depressed. Just have a large enough space where he can run and play. A house with a garden is the ideal place to raise a healthy German Shepherd, the perfect dog for the whole family, but also for couples or those who live alone.

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