Giving Human Drugs To Animals Can Be Dangerous

Giving human drugs to animals can be dangerous

One of the doubts that often assails dog owners is whether they can be given drugs for humans. The answer to the question is yes. There are some human medications that can be regularly given to dogs. However, you have to be very careful as there are some medicines that may be toxic. You should always ask your vet for advice, especially to know the correct dosage. We will talk here about human drugs for veterinary use.

What you need to know


If your dog does nothing but sniff every inch of the house and snout all over the tables and shelves looking for something to put in his mouth, you need to keep your eyes open and take some precautions. Pets are extremely curious by nature and taste anything they find and that catches their attention. It is for this reason that they must be watched and made sure that they never come into contact with dangerous substances. 

Small dogs, who have been given drugs for human use by mistake, are more likely to be victims of poisoning  than large dogs. .

An anti-inflammatory, such as naproxen, is toxic to dogs.  The same goes for medicines for coughs, colds or sinusitis. These medicines can be fatal because they alter the heart rate.

There are also some vitamins for human use that are toxic to dogs,  especially fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E.

Dogs cannot metabolize drugs in the same doses as prescribed for an adult.  Although they are biological creatures, they are different from human beings and their bodies do not react in the same way.

As a general rule,  it is not a good idea to give dogs what humans take for itching or stomach pain, even if they have the same symptoms.

Human drugs for veterinary use


There are two types of drugs for human use that can be useful for treating pets: antidepressants and anti-cancer drugs. 

Some antidepressants can be effective in relieving certain emotional or behavioral disorders,  such as aggression or separation anxiety.

On the other hand, there are some anticancer drugs, especially the new types of chemotherapy, which are being used in veterinary medicine. These drugs cause cancer to regress, or simply increase the quantity and quality of life of animals diagnosed with cancer.

Toxic drugs for dogs

Analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibrupofen, acetaminophen (or acetaminophen), some well-known names such as Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, Tylenol can be lethal for dogs.

Medicines against cough, phlegm, sinusitis can cause serious harm to dogs.  

These drugs contain pseudoephedrine. It is  a sympathomimetic amine used as a nasal decongestant that causes increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and seizures in dogs. Pay particular attention to brands such as Sudafed, Advil Cold & Sinus, Tylenol Cold, Theraflu, Nyquil.

Certain antidepressants and medications to treat some symptoms of attention deficit syndrome or diabetes can be harmful.  The same is true for other vitamin D compounds such as calcitriol (Rocaltrol, Calcijex).

Also pay close attention to muscle relaxants.  Baclofen is one of the most contraindicated drugs for dogs.

Still others, such as fluorouracil – an anticancer chemotherapy agent – can be lethal when given to animals.  A small dose of these compounds can even cause death. They are so harmful that it is recommended that if the owner is using them, he stays at a certain distance from the animal to avoid any risk of intoxication.

Anti-tuberculosis antibiotics,  such as isoniazid, from the Nydrazid brand, can cause problems.

If you suspect that your dog may have ingested any of these elements, or that he has come into contact with them, do not be alarmed. Contact your vet immediately and keep calm. Always remember that panic is not a good ally in situations that require clarity and speed.

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