Half-breed Horses: The Best For Riding

Half-breed horses: the best for riding

The horse is one of the most beautiful and noble animals in the world. Since time immemorial it has held a special place within man-made activities and horse riding is one of them. But what are the best half-breed horses? To find out, we invite you to read the following article.

The half-breed horses best suited to riding

There are many horse breeds. Each of them has something that makes them unique and special, since they are extraordinary animals that have not stopped accompanying and surprising man, thanks to everything they are able to do.

However, when it comes to horseback riding, there is one breed that stands out from the others. Throughout history, the horse called half-breed has been and continues to be considered the best horse for this type of activity.

These equines are of European origin but have diversified into multiple different breeds which, however, share a common root.

The extraordinary half-breed horses have been the protagonists and winners of most of the equestrian competitions that have taken place all over the world. They are often the protagonists of first-rate sporting events, such as the Olympics.

Horse runs in a green meadow

Types and characteristics of half-breeds


This extraordinary stallion has its origins in Lower Saxony. At first it was used for attacks (the discipline that involves driving horse-drawn vehicles). But, with the passage of time, its strength became popular for its ability to impose itself even in pure speed competitions. As for the physique, it has a height between 160 and 172 centimeters, the legs are short, but very strong.


Undoubtedly, the Hanoverian half- breed is considered the best horse for riding. Its origin is German and is raised according to the strictest regimes of excellence. It measures 170 centimeters and one of its most striking features is its long, thin neck. It also has a medium-sized, strong and resilient chest.


This one also hails from Germany, and has become one of the best stallions in equestrian events. His physique stands out for the perfect harmony of its proportions.  It measures 170 centimeters and is a favorite of jockeys for its docile character  .

Selle Français

This half-breed is characterized by a very strong bone structure. His height varies between 155 and 170 centimeters and he is an extremely strong, agile and flexible stallion, ideal for competition. Unlike the Westfalian, the Selle Français temperament is much stronger. Of course, the energy and intelligence he possesses have made him a favorite around the world.

Black horse standing inside a corral

The best half-breed horses


For a long time, this horse breed was used for bouts and other agricultural work. It wasn’t until the 20th century that breeders began to produce more stylized and lighter stallions , ideal for equestrian sports, and ended up distinguishing themselves as jumping horses.

Irish shooting

The Irish draft horse is one of the most beautiful and elegant stallions in existence. Her perfect figure is combined with a strong bone structure and a very muscular rear train. Certainly, he is one of the great equestrian world champions.


This horse endemic to Prussia is famous for its floating trot. Plus, she has tremendous strength and energy, and very resilient hindquarters. Its height varies between 160 and 175 centimeters.


Its name indicates that it comes from the Iberian Peninsula. It is a horse that combines many qualities, starting with its noble character and its great intelligence. He has an average height of 163cm and a short but very strong back, as well as his hindquarters, which are extremely muscular.

It would be impossible to list all the half-breed horses in the world. The ones we have decided to present to you, however, are the ones that obtain the best results in terms of competition. These breeds have won and continue to win laurels in speed and jumping.

They are not only strong and aesthetically flawless horses. Above all they are extraordinarily noble and intelligent animals. For this reason, they have always been the most appreciated and loved by enthusiasts from all over the world.

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