Having A Pet Helps You Rejuvenate By 10 Years

Having a pet helps you rejuvenate by 10 years

It is already known that having an animal is the best daily medicine. Dogs and cats (mostly) are great company, faithful love and also a time machine. Thanks to your companion, the biological clock will go much slower. You could rejuvenate for at least 10 years. To find out more, read on.

Are you afraid of getting old? Having a dog is the solution

dog and cat

There is a before and after in our life. The milestone that makes the difference is the moment we adopt an animal. Thanks to a pet you will no longer feel alone, you can play at any time and receive pampering at all hours.

If you are having a midlife crisis or existential problem for years to come, the best thing you could do is not get married, have a child or change jobs… but adopt an animal!

The lifestyle that young adults of the 21st century have is very different from what their parents or grandparents had. A good salary, trips around the world, a cutting-edge car or a successful career are the current goals. Getting married and starting a family take a back seat. This is why many families decide to get a dog before having a baby. 

According to a study by the Scottish University  of St. Andrews, those who live with an animal in the home will receive affection, protection and loyalty, but also a delay in the biological clock. This means that a dog or a cat within the family helps us to have a younger and more active physical and mental life.

Dog owners, for example, do 12% more physical activity. This is when they go out to take them for a walk. It sure is a nice find for older people. If they live with an animal, they will feel more energetic and less aged

Having an animal gives you 10 more years of life


This does not mean that having a dog or a cat will make our brains regress or something similar, but that the mind will stay young for much longer. Just as it is said that not smoking extends the years of life, the same happens with animals.

By comparing the mental and physical health of 550 elderly people in the city of Dundee (Scotland), it was found that those who had animals felt ten years younger and their vitality was superior. Conversely,  people or families who did not live with furry friends looked their age and older,  and  felt depressed and tired.

As if all of this weren’t enough,  dog owners are much more sociable. They spend at least 15 minutes a day away from home. It may seem like a few, but for a retiree, getting dressed and going to the park is an event.

An animal can help make us feel younger by at least 10 years and with more energy.  If you are going through a crisis because you are over 35 and dissatisfied with your life, don’t worry. Instead of wasting your time and money on therapists, adopt a dog or a cat!

Not only will they transform your life, but you will receive affection and fidelity for at least 10 years from the moment they enter your home. How about looking for your next friend in a kennel? In this way you will change the destiny of a little being full of love and you will become his hero.

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