How To Bathe Your Cat If He Is Afraid Of Water

How to bathe your cat if she is afraid of water

Cats are known for wanting nothing to do with water other than drinking it. Although some breeds are the exception that proves the rule, what is certain is that bathing your cat can become an odyssey or an almost impossible mission. We reveal some tricks to succeed, or at least not to die in the intent.

Bathing the cat, a matter of habit

gatto bagnato

The solution to prevent your cat from developing a fear of water is to get him used to it from an early age. However, it can often happen that a cat enters our life already in adulthood, or that we are convinced, following the opinion of many specialists, that these animals can provide for themselves in keeping themselves clean and, for this reason, we do not worry about the bathroom. .

It is also true that if you count the hours that these cats spend cleaning themselves, and observe how they are always shiny, it is difficult to think that they need to take a bath.

In theory, a short-haired cat, who spends most of his time indoors and has no health problems, can safely do without being bathed. However, the issue of cleanliness can get complicated when it comes to long-haired cats.

“Bathing your cat can be a difficult mission, but not an impossible one. With patience and a lot of love, you will be able to overcome the fear of water. “

When you can’t help but wash your cat

There are times when you can’t help but wash your cat. Eg:

  • He comes back very dirty from a walk in the open air – authorized or not – and his tongue is not enough to make him clean.
  • He has accidentally stained himself with some substance that can be toxic if he licks himself to wash.
  • Suffers from some skin allergies that require more or less frequent bathing.

It is in these cases that you will regret not having spent some time trying to make your beloved puppy lose his fear of water.

What to do for your cat to overcome the fear of water

There is no point in crying over spilled milk, it is always possible to find a solution to the problem.

If the animal has become soiled with some toxic substance, it is best to consult your veterinarian on the best way to clean it urgently.

If it is not necessary to act promptly, you will have to arm yourself with patience, to ensure that the animal begins to overcome the fear of water. How can this be done?

The basic idea is that your cat associates bath time with some positive and enjoyable experience. For this reason, it is important to let him approach the water little by little, one step after another, without rushing and, above all, showing affection during the process.

Tips to get your cat used to being washed

It is good to specify first of all that being able to wash your cat will depend on factors such as the character of the animal or previous experiences. Try these tips:

  • Keep the items you will need to bathe him at hand.
  • Choose an enclosed place, preferably the bathroom.
  • Use the tub or a large basin with a little water, always lukewarm, so that the animal can immerse only the legs.
  • If he gets used to this situation, add the water a little at a time, until the cat is submerged up to the head.
  • If everything goes well so far, soap it with a specific product for cats and rub it gently. After that, dry him with a warm towel and give him a reward for behaving well.

    With a little luck, you may be able to do all of these points in one day. It is very likely that getting your cat to bathe will cost you at least three attempts.

    Alternatives for washing your cat

    wet cats

    The important thing is that you show peace of mind by interrupting the process if the animal gets nervous and tries to escape. Trying at all costs to put the cat in the water will only reduce the chances of succeeding in the enterprise.

    Don’t despair if you don’t reach your goal right away. You can always try other options if your puppy helps with tooth and nail to avoid getting into the water. For instance:

    • Wet sponges or cloths.
    • Nebulizers
    • Dry cleaning products, sold in pet stores.

    You will see that, in one way or another, you will be able to make your cat beautiful and clean.

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