How To Calculate The Age Of A Turtle?

How to calculate the age of a turtle?

Knowing a turtle’s age is crucial for its development. This is because the animal needs various treatments and a diet suitable for the stage of life in which it is found.

Turtles are the friendliest reptiles to people. They are especially famous for their longevity. If they are healthy, they can live for more than a century.

The Galápagos Islands

The longest-lived specimens are found in the Galápagos Islands, belonging to Ecuador. These sea turtles are said to be over 250 years of age.

Galápagos tortoise


However,  this characteristic life expectancy of species varies from one animal to another. It also depends on the development conditions of each habitat. Domestic turtles have countless differences in relation to their wild relatives, including the amount of years they can live.

The life expectancy of domestic turtles

The longevity of all animals is partly conditioned by the habitat in which they grow. Species with a longer life expectancy can die easily if they are in hostile environments.

For this reason, before choosing any animal, it  is necessary to plan and prepare the place where it will have to live.

Turtles are an excellent choice. They adapt to small spaces and do not require a lot of time. They are independent, quiet and are not a risk to family members.

The lifespan of a domestic turtle

Many domestic turtles can live longer than in their natural habitat. Typically because a home presents fewer threats and predators than a wild environment. For this, development in captivity has been used to preserve some specimens at risk of extinction.

When it comes to domestication, responsible ownership of an animal is assumed. Animals of all species need care to survive and to live worthily. Adequate nutrition, a space to develop and move, as well as periodic visits to the vet.

Before adopting a turtle, it  is necessary to consider the commitment of raising such a long-lived animal. Especially when giving a turtle to a child.

How to calculate the age of a domestic turtle?

When it comes to a wild animal, it is quite difficult to know its age precisely. In captivity, however, it is much easier to calculate a turtle’s age and life expectancy.

A domestic aquatic turtle is supposed  to live around 80 years. Provided it has good development conditions. Those of land have a longer life expectancy, reaching even 150 years in captivity.

The most used method to calculate the age of a turtle is based on  observing the lines that form on the shell.  It is similar to the method of counting the years of a tree by means of the rings that make up the trunk.

The shell is a kind of bony structure formed by plates that are the result of the evolution of the ribs and vertebrae. These bony plates are wrapped in other horny plates, called shields.

As soon as they are born, turtles have very small, smooth plates on the surface of the shell. Over time, as they grow, shields follow the growth of the body. Lines are added each year above each shield. They are known as growth grooves.

For this reason,  to calculate the age of a turtle,  the lines that make up the shell can be counted.

How to improve a turtle’s life expectancy?

The life expectancy of a domestic turtle depends primarily on how the owner takes care of it. 

aquatic turtle

As for aquatic turtles, it is necessary to choose a beautiful tank and pay attention to the potability of the water and the hygiene of the environment.

Land turtles can grow freely in one place, especially if you own a garden. Or you can buy them a terrarium.

In both cases,  the animal needs space to move. For this, the tank or terrarium must be 4 or 5 times the size of the turtle. They must be illuminated by sunlight or indirect light. The warm climate is ideal for this species, and the temperature should not be below 24 ° C.

Another fundamental aspect is nutrition. There are specific foods for aquatic and land turtles, which vary according to age. They must be the basis for a balanced diet.

Fruits and vegetables also need to be supplemented. But avoid citrus fruits, bananas, kale and spinach.

Responsible ownership is the best way to prevent disease  and extend a turtle’s life expectancy.

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