How To Carry Your Dog In A Bag Safely

How to carry your dog in a bag safely

If you have decided to go on vacation with your four-legged friend or simply want to take a walk together, you will need to think of a way to transport it. And that it is safe, convenient and comfortable. For example, using a purse.

Carriers are usually very strong, but they can be heavy and impractical when it comes to small and light pets. In these cases, carrying the dog in a bag could be a very practical alternative. But is it also a safe solution? Let’s find out in this article.

Is it safe to carry the dog in a bag?

It depends … If you respect the requirements for correct transport, weight and size limits, preferring a suitable and good quality bag, carrying the dog in a bag is certainly a suitable choice. Conversely, if you are negligent and choose superficially, you will be putting your pet’s (and yours) well-being at risk.

Therefore, before transporting your dog, it is essential to make sure that the bag is suitable  and made specifically to accommodate an animal, support its weight and allow it to move and breathe comfortably. In pet shops and some veterinary clinics, there are various models that are correctly made for your four-legged friend.

Advantages and disadvantages of carrying the dog in a bag

Today it is fashionable to walk along the streets of big cities, with your dog in a bag. Better still if from some  luxury brands . But before wanting to appear and flaunt, every good owner must first concern himself with the health of his animal. The bag you will use to carry it must not only be beautiful, but above all safe and comfortable. Let’s see, then, what are the advantages and disadvantages if you decide to carry a dog in your bag, when traveling or simply if you go for a walk:


The dog bags are often an option to protect your pets during the winter. They are a kind of mobile kennel, which protects the little dog from cold, wind or rain. Especially in the winter months. Something very useful, especially for the breeds that are more vulnerable to the cold, such as Chihuahua, Yorkshire or Pinscher.

Additionally, bags can make it easier for a pet to enter public places, such as shops, bars, or malls, where they can’t walk. An elegant trick that will allow your dogs to accompany you everywhere  and, thus, nothing can separate you.


Regarding the disadvantages, you will need to pay close attention to the possible allergies of your dogs. Some animals are so sensitive that they can develop allergic reactions or skin irritations even with only contact with certain fabrics or seams. If your dog has never performed an allergy test, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian.

yorkshire with pink bow in a bag

You also need to be very clear that carrying the dog in a bag does not replace daily walks. Pets need to move regularly to stay healthy, fight overweight and associated diseases.

In addition, physical activity allows you to spend energy and release tension, avoiding the appearance of symptoms related to stress and boredom. A good option to avoid a sedentary lifestyle is to use the bag only at certain moments of the walk, alternating it with walking.

How to get your dog to fit in his new bag

Before traveling or walking your dog in a bag or carrier, it is essential to adapt it to this new “environment”. Dogs, like people, find safety in  routine and any change must be gradual and associated with something  positive.

girl hugs chihuaha

Respect the adaptation times

  • Forcing a frightened animal to do something, against its will, can be truly deleterious.
  • Your dog may adopt a defensive stance if he feels threatened or insecure and react through aggressive behavior. In addition, you will expose him to situations of high stress, favoring the appearance of negative symptoms for his health.
  • You must remember that adaptation is a gradual process and each individual experiences it in a different way. To get the animal used to the bag or to be able to carry it safely, it is essential to have patience and respect its acceptance and adaptation times. To help him, you can stimulate his curiosity and reward positive attitudes.

    ‘Present’ the bag to the dog

    Before walking your dog in the bag, it is essential to “incorporate” this new element into his daily life. To get started, you’ll need to leave this item close at hand and keep it open at all times. It is also important to encourage the dog to explore the inside of the bag. How? Throw in a  snack , treats or one of his favorite toys.

    When the dog is finally  comfortable  inside the bag, you can start carrying it around with you. Start with small walks inside the house. Then go out onto the street, progressively increasing the duration of the walks.

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