How To Handle A Dog That Spends A Lot Of Time Alone

How to handle a dog that spends a lot of time alone

Having an animal spend several hours indoors without the company of its owners can lead to aggressive, destructive behavior or even depression or stress. If yours is a dog that spends a lot of time alone, here are some tips that will help make these moments of loneliness less negative.

When you adopt a pet, you do it with generosity and thinking that you can give it enough attention and time. Due to the rhythms of modern life, however, it is possible that certain situations change, upsetting calendars and timetables. A dog that spends a lot of time alone  therefore needs a series of safeguards, in order to remain balanced, from a mental point of view.

Do you have a dog that spends a lot of time alone?

A dog that spends a lot of time alone is definitely not as happy as its owner would like. Often, in fact, when you leave in the morning to go to work, the moment of saying goodbye is truly heartbreaking for both. But feeling sad is not enough and, above all, leads nowhere. We need to be realistic and implement intelligently, trying to find practical solutions that are good for both.

It is normal for dogs to exhibit behaviors they have never had before or to appear more stressed than usual. While it’s best to get your vet’s advice if these situations persist, there are several things you can do to help your pet cope better with loneliness. Let’s see them together:

1. Arrange visits

Surely you have a family member, friend or neighbor who loves animals and has a few free hours to help you. Leave him the keys to your home and allow him to visit your pet from time to time. They will stay together for a few minutes, so that it can break the routine of loneliness. With a few caresses or maybe a short walk.

You may not be able to count on him every day, but doing it even a couple of times a week is enough to make this situation more bearable for the animal.

2. Alternate the toys you leave him

Animals get bored very quickly from the toys they have. Especially if they are always the same and are offered to him over and over again.

Sad dog alone in the house with a kong beside it

To prevent this from happening, leave only two or three toys within reach each day, so that an alternation is created that is favorable to creating an expectation of novelty. If you don’t have it yet, buy a Kong that will stimulate his mind and allow him to have fun for a long time trying to get the desired reward.

3. Don’t make him feel caged

There are those who leave the dog alone at home in a closed room or on a terrace, excluding it from other areas of the apartment. This can give him the feeling of being in a cage. It certainly won’t do her mood any good.

Leave the doors open after removing anything that can be dangerous or could break. Raise the curtains and open the windows to ensure sufficient air circulation and let it go out onto the balcony or terrace if you have one and it is safe for the pet. This will make loneliness less hard.

4. Leave the music on to handle a dog that spends a lot of time alone

You may not know that music has great benefits for pets and there are even music channels dedicated to them. The same happens with TV, which offers channels such as Dog TV, which show other dogs engaged in many activities. An original way to entertain your friend.

Yorkshire lying down with music headphones on

The sound of the radio or TV need not be very loud. It is enough for a slight murmur to break the silence of the house and make him feel less alone and more relaxed. Seeing is believing!

5. Stimulate his sense of smell

If you have experience with these animals, you already know that  when dogs smell something they don’t stop until they find out what it is. You can hide some pieces of food in different corners of the house, like a kind of hide and seek: your pet will have fun looking for them. Try to complicate the hunt so that the dog spends more time playing: put the snacks under cardboard boxes or inside an old sock. He’s going to have a blast and entertain himself!

You already know which foods or snacks your dog likes best. So give him a well deserved reward for spending so many hours alone indoors.

6. Adopt another pet

If you know that you will often be away from home and your hours are very uncertain,  perhaps you should consider adopting another pet. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a dog. It could also be a cat, a rabbit or a hamster. The important thing is that he can get along well with your four-legged friend. Reflect on the various alternatives and, once you have decided, make the approach gradually and positively, to encourage healthy coexistence. By being with another animal, loneliness will no longer be a problem, as they will keep each other company.

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