How To Help When You Can’t Adopt

If your condition does not allow you to have a pet for the long term, perhaps you can afford to keep one for short periods, weeks or months.
How to help when you can't adopt

Among the thousand ways to

be helpful when you can’t adopt

we find doing as a shelter for short periods, volunteering in kennels, making donations, joining recovery and rescue groups or reporting those who abandon.

Abandonment continues to be a widespread phenomenon and, although we would like to take home all the animals we see on the street, in kennels or shelters, this is often not possible.

Some, then, do not have the opportunity to adopt even one animal.

In this article we explain in detail how to help when you can’t adopt it.

Even if you can’t adopt, you can make yourself useful!

Welcome for short periods

If your condition does not allow you to have a pet for the long term, perhaps you can afford to keep one for short periods, weeks or months. The shelters are used to avoid that the overcrowding of kennels or shelters lead to having to kill some animals.

By doing so, families or willing people who live alone and who meet a series of requirements are allowed to welcome these animals into their home for some time, until a family is found willing to adopt them permanently.

As is to be expected, in order to participate you will need to undergo an exhaustive test that demonstrates that you are a responsible person, that you live in a safe environment for the animal and that of course you have no history in the abuse or abandonment of animals.

If you already know that you cannot keep it with you, before enrolling in the program be well aware that the animal will have to leave your home as soon as it finds a family. Perhaps, you will realize that you are the first to adopt it.

Dogs in kennels

Volunteering: being helpful when you can’t adopt it

Various animal shelters and centers, as well as associations for the fight against maltreatment, are looking for volunteers to help them in their work.

This is another way to help when you can’t adopt it. A little time a week will be enough: you can choose to volunteer according to your commitments.

Even if it is only one hour a week, your help will be appreciated and valued, and your example may inspire others as well.

You could also volunteer at events organized to give animals up for adoption, even just to fill out forms or to serve aperitifs.

Make a donation

Animal welfare kennels and shelters need everyone’s help to maintain them.

Food, medicine, items, toys and money for medical visits are always welcome. Even if you can’t adopt, there are many ways to help!

Find out about the animal center closest to your home and ask how to collaborate.

They may need more cat food, or perhaps specialized puppy food. By doing so, you will also bring your own grain of sand.

Recovery groups

There are non-profit groups that are in charge of collecting animals that are abandoned on the street to take them to a safe place.

This operation involves sometimes high costs, such as veterinary care for stray animals, the application of microchips or mandatory vaccines.

Puppy at the vet

The recovered animals are then treated with medicines if necessary and helped to find a family to adopt them.

Also in this case you can help, for example with a financial contribution, lending a hand or buying food.


In the face of any sign of abandonment or abuse of animals, no matter how small it may seem, do not be silent!

Report, because if we all did it, the frequency of these episodes would certainly decrease.

If you love animals, even if you can’t adopt, you can always lend a hand. Take note of these notes and get to work to combat abandonment and animal abuse.

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