How To Keep Your Dog Warm During The Winter

Your dogs also suffer from the weather, so you need to keep them warm and protect them from the cold and rain.
How to keep your dog warm during the winter

In the following article we will tell you how to keep your dog warm during the winter, as even if he has fur that protects him in the face of any temperature, he is likely to suffer from the cold if your homes are not heated properly.

Here’s how to keep your dog warm.

Keep your dog warm during the winter

If you follow these practical tips, you can keep your 4-legged friend warm even on the coldest days:

Don’t cut his hair

Brush your dog but do not shave it, as the coat will be one of the fundamental elements that will allow it to protect itself during the winter from cold and humidity.

It is important that you brush it well,  as an intrigued coat is less effective as protection  against low temperatures.

Restrict bathrooms

It is recommended, during the winter, to bathe the dog indoors and to put a heater in the room, so that it does not feel cold when it is wet. Dry it well and wrap it in a towel to prevent it from getting sick.

Obviously, this season it will be better not to wash it frequently and use water at an adequate temperature.

Bathe the dog in the tub

Trim the fur around the fingertips

If you live in an area where snow is common, keeping the areas near the fingertips clear will prevent snow from getting inside. For this, cut the fur around  and clean the inner areas very well with a damp cloth or gauze.

The fingertips are one of the most delicate areas on a dog’s body, so it’s very important to protect them. Vaseline or even specially made shoes will suffice.

Don’t feed your dog too much

While food can help keep your pet warm and energy, it will not need an increase in the amount of food, as it may be overweight.

If your home is cold and the place where you put its bowls is too cold, move them or make sure the water is the right temperature for drinking.

Don’t let it stand too close to the stove

Heat could also be a problem, because even if you think that heating your dog with a stove is a good idea, the sure thing is that if you put him too close to the appliance, his skin may dry out and you burn.

Therefore, it is important to  keep the house warm, but to avoid letting the dog get too close to the heat source.

Shorten the walks

Couple walking with dog in the forest

When temperatures drop, it is advisable for dog walks to be shorter, and if necessary they should be more frequent. Protect his paws before going out  and, if necessary, have him wear a coat.

If the walks are shorter, you will have to stimulate your pet at home through various games.

Isolate his kennel

If your dog’s kennel is in  garden, make sure it has a door that can be closed and is completely insulated so that neither cold nor rain can enter. 

It is possible to insert insulating material or even make a false floor or a ceiling between both materials. The important thing is that your pet does not feel the cold, even when its shelter is outdoors.

These are just a few tips that will help keep your dog warm in the winter.

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