How To Know If A Breeder Is Reliable

How to know if a breeder is trustworthy

The dog breeders have always existed throughout history. And all over the world. If, on the one hand, we always love to support adoption as the main method for having a pet, in this article we will talk a little about the aspects related to the purchase of a specimen, perhaps of breed. In this regard, we will help you to recognize and know if a breeder is reliable.

The mission of the breeders

A breeder is a person dedicated to the development of a specific animal species. There are those who raise horses, dogs, cats, birds of all kinds, even fish in any type of environment. For these reasons, the breeder uses his intuition, his knowledge and the physical appearance of the animal to work.

It is very common to see these people settle in a place with very specific hygienic conditions, where the safety, compliance and health of the animals are guaranteed . Facilities must have a veterinary assistance unit or, in its absence, be located in the vicinity of a clinic.

four German Shepherd puppies protrude from a wall

The specimens with which these individuals work must demonstrate excellent health and have the most emblematic characteristics of the species. Animals with aesthetic defects or with serious alterations in their behavior, which cannot be overcome and which disqualify the animal, are not allowed.

Breeders do not cross their animals whenever they can, in an exaggerated way, as many people believe. They take many factors into consideration during the mating process, from the consent of the female to the relationship she has with the male.

They don’t do it for profit

Many breeders pursue this profession simply for the sake of the breed. It is for this reason that they struggle with great effort and pride to preserve and care for their animals. However, there are people who exploit animals as if they were objects, so we advise you to check the reputation and condition of the animals before starting any purchase process .

puppies in the cage

It must be remembered that accredited breeders issue an official certificate  indicating the breed, weight, state of health and perhaps some prediction on the behavior or growth of the animal in question.

Not everyone is suitable to be a breeder

The managers of these sites are individuals specialized in one or more specific breeds, because they know perfectly the characteristics, the defects and the advantages that a type of dog can present throughout its life. The monetary incentive is present, of course, but it is their love for the breed that motivates them to move forward and work as breeders.

For this task, they are required to monitor and manage the classification table of the Fédération cynologique internationale  (FCI), in collaboration with the organization in charge of classifying animals in Italy. In the case of our country, we are talking about the Italian national dog organization.

Boxer puppies on wood logs

The breeder must have knowledge of the psychology of the breed to work on, along with its history, congenital diseases and their characteristic behavior. Likewise, this person must have leadership attitudes , not only to control the herd in his charge, but to manage the appropriate place to carry out this activity.

This professional, on the other hand, must select the best specimens and seek out the most qualified personnel to help keep the center in perfect condition. Also, this person’s job is to train their staff for breeding and caring for the species at work.

How is the crossing process for breeders?

During the heat of the females, those that alter the good behavior of the herd are separated into distinct zones from those of the males, to avoid accidents. For the crossing to be effective, the breeder must ensure that a number of health and hygiene conditions are met and that the two partners are calm and complacent.

two cream Labradors on the lawn

The FCI has specific guidelines for mating between purebred dogs :

  • Determine the conditions under which the crossing will take place.
  • In case of crossing with specimens from another breeding, the area must be chosen, its safety guaranteed and the hygienic conditions being impeccable.
  • If the dog causes damage, the breeder has to bear the costs. Likewise, he will have to take care of the transport of the animal.
  • Only a purebred male, not neutered, can mate with the chosen female. If this does not accept the breeding  it will not be able to mate with a different male. Unless there is a special agreement between the two owners.
  • As for the dog’s offspring, the owner of the male will have no right to any puppy, unless there is a prior agreement.
  • In the event that the mating is unsuccessful, the owner of the stallion can propose a second mate, free of charge, or pay compensation.

If you want to know if a breeder is reliable, find out about him, look for reviews and reviews but, above all, invest the time to  visit the center personally. Here, in addition to checking the conditions in which the animals are kept, you can talk to other owners and customers. Check that the center has all the required legal documents and get ready to welcome your four-legged friend into your home.

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