How To Make Your Dog Relax

How to make your dog relax

Yes, even dogs get stressed and suffer from nervousness. We will not discuss here the genetic factors that underlie nervous disorders in dogs and that require specific veterinary attention. You should know that even small daily events can alter the emotional state of your pet. In this article we will talk about how to make your dog relax. Caresses, massages and walks can be simple, inexpensive and effective remedies.

Why the dog gets stressed

dog on the lawn

There are several situations that can upset an animal.

  • Loud noises  caused by a thunderstorm or fireworks.
  • – Removals.
  • – Temporary accommodation  in dog pensions when you go on vacation.
  • -The birth of a child.
  • -The arrival of another pet.
  • -The pregnancy.

Not only that, did you know that if you are nervous you convey your mood to your pet?

Animals don’t scream or yell like people do, but they suffer anyway. Remember that animals are extremely sensitive and that they clearly perceive your discomfort.

Tips for relaxing your dog

We give you some tips on how to relax your dog. These are useful recommendations for you too. You both deserve a break!

While caressing him, speak to him in a sweet and gentle tone.  

-Sit with your dog in a quiet area of ​​the house and massage him. Start with the head and temples  without neglecting the ears and neck. Then slide the palm of your hand along his spine. You can also massage the soles of his feet. Do not forget that the dog is a social animal who loves closeness and physical contact. Through the massages you will be reminding him of the pleasure of living in a pack.

-Go out for a walk.  It must be a long walk. It’s not about going out to get him to go to the toilet and running home. Take a stroll in the quieter streets with little traffic. Walking slowly is a good way to relax and get distracted.

-Take him to a green area where he can play and run freely, without a leash.  It is also a good opportunity for you to breathe some clear and fresh air. After a lot of physical activity, your dog will sleep better and wake up like new. And maybe you too.

girl takes husky for a walk

-If you live near the sea or a river, take your dog for a swim. Dogs usually love water. Remember that this element has relaxing properties. If, on the other hand, you are not lucky enough to live near a stream, do not despair. In recent years, many dog ​​pools have been opened. Spending a few hours with your friend in a water park can be a great way to do something new.

– Try music too.  Listening to quiet melodies, especially those of classical music, have a powerful calming effect on your dog.

– Try not to confuse it  with contradictory behaviors. Remember that all family members must agree on the orders that are given to the dog to send him the same signals.

Obviously, it would be best to prevent these upsets from occurring and find ways to avoid or alleviate stress, distress or nervousness. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

In case of occasional noises, such as fireworks on a feast day, you can give your dog some soothing drops. Check with your vet especially for the correct dosage.

There are other, more chronic situations that require a lot of patience and a lot of love. Just like with people, there is no point in suppressing the symptom. You must always research the causes of the problem to solve it at the root.

If the complaints become persistent, you should contact your vet to prevent them from becoming psychosomatic in the long run.

It is also possible that the massages need to be done by a professional. There are clinics specializing in massage therapy. Even the Bach flowers and aromatherapy offer some interesting remedies.

The efficacy of some homeopathic therapies to treat these cases has been demonstrated. Contrary to what happens with traditional medicine, in homeopathic treatments there are neither contraindications nor the danger of addiction or dependence.

Collars and pheromone diffusers can also be helpful. You should know that these synthetic pheromones are similar to those secreted by lactating bitches to soothe puppies and that they also have calming effects on adult dogs.

You will probably have to resort to various treatments to get your dog to calm down. However, remember that a caress or a kind word are always essential.

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