How To Prepare The Birth Of The Cat

The pregnancy of cats lasts only 65 days, so it is advisable to take this into account to have everything you need and take care of both the mother and the kittens.
How to prepare the birth of the cat

The birth of the cat is an important moment, so you will have to prepare everything in advance

In this article, we will give you some tips to help you manage the pregnancy and delivery of the cat , who will certainly need your help.

Tips to facilitate the birth of your cat

It is true that nature “is wise” and animals know very well how to deal with certain moments alone in most cases.

As for the delivery of your cat, unless there are complications, you will have to let her give birth alone. However, there are a number of things we can do to make this moment as smooth as possible.

1. Calculate the date of delivery

Once your vet has confirmed that your cat is pregnant, the next step is to roughly calculate the due date.

Pregnancy in domestic cats is 65 days. Mark it on the calendar a few days before to prepare everything well in advance and not to be caught unprepared.

2. The birth of the cat: creating a “nest”

In order for the birth to take place in the most pleasant way possible for your cat, it is essential that you create a “nest”: warm, safe, calm and welcoming. A few days before the birth you will see that your cat will want to “enter” everywhere : inside the wardrobe, on the sofa, behind some furniture… looking for a suitable place for the kittens.

Pregnant cat

The best places for a cat to give birth to her kittens are the bathroom or the laundry room. Make sure it’s a place where no one will bother, including dogs or children. In fact, it is better that that part of the house is “isolated” from the daily hustle and bustle.

3. Build a cot

A cardboard box with newspapers, towels and old blankets is the best place for your cat to deliver. In fact, she will need to be comfortable and warm all the time and these materials are perfect.

Keep in mind that the elements chosen must be cleaned and disinfected and not have a very strong smell, because at birth the puppies recognize their mother through the smell.

Some owners of longhaired cats – such as the Angora breeds, the Norwegian Forest Cat or the Himalayan cat – choose to trim or shave the genital area a little to facilitate childbirth and also around the nipples, so that the kittens they can feed easily. Remember to always consult your vet to make sure this is possible.

4. The birth of the cat: leave food and water

Nutrition and hydration cannot be lacking in the vicinity of the cat’s nest. Remember to change the water every day and avoid placing the bowl too close to the cardboard box, so as not to get it wet if it accidentally overturns.

Cat morsels

As for nutrition, you can buy special foods for pregnant cats in pet stores. It is advisable to choose one of excellent quality, rich in nutrients.

5. Keep the right distance

During pregnancy and childbirth, the cat needs peace of mind and to be alone as much as possible, but a little extra help, especially if there are complications, never hurts.

In general, we recommend that you keep clean, dry blankets and towels handy, and your mobile phone nearby in case you need to call the vet.

6. Pay attention to the cat’s signals

During the birth there will be unambiguous signs of what is happening. Generally, labor lasts between 12 and 24 hours. A few hours before starting your cat will begin to lick itself excessively (especially the vulva), will be short of breath, will be apathetic, will not want to eat, will cry or meow intensely and will try to hide in its nest.

7. The birth of the cat: attending the birth

If you’ve taken your cat to the vet and they’ve had an ultrasound, you will surely know how many kittens she will give birth. Pay close attention to the number of puppies born and carefully observe the state of health of each of them, always from a distance.

You will need to be ready to face any complications, such as realizing that the cat pushes for more than half an hour but no kittens come out, or if after giving birth the amniotic sac that surrounds them breaks.

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