How To Raise And Care For Turtles

How to raise and care for turtles

Providing proper care for turtles is essential to preserve their health. Taking care of them means learning about their organism and respecting their specific needs.

Turtles are very friendly reptiles to humans,  famous for their longevity. They make an excellent first pet for children.

They adapt to confined environments and the owner will not have to devote much time to them. They are independent, quiet, and pose no danger to the house they live in. Here’s how to take care of it.

What are the main needs of turtles?

Domestic turtles are divided into two broad categories: aquatic and land turtles. They both have specific needs.

How to give them a “perfect” life

Domestic aquatic turtles live in tanks. It is necessary to choose one consciously, as it will be their home.

turtle walks on the lawn

They need space to move and swim freely. For this, the size of the tank or terrarium must be 4 or 5 times the size of the animal.

The aquatic ones grow quite large. We  recommend that you opt for a large tub. The larger the space, the better their quality of life will be.

The tank must have two environments:  a pool where it can swim, and a dry part without water, in which the turtle can sunbathe, dry or rest.

Turtles hydrate, breathe and feed underwater. For this, to ensure their health, it is necessary to provide them with clean and fresh water. The ideal would be that the tank has a filter system, and also that you do a weekly cleaning of the environment, including a water change.

Many specialists say that  the natural habitat of turtles must be recreated to make them live at their best. For this, artificial plants or palms, or other elements that are part of the marine environment, can be placed in the tank.

Environment and temperature

Proper nutrition is a key part of turtle life. The daily diet must provide them with the nutrients necessary for the healthy development of the species.

Reptiles need less hydration than mammals to preserve the well-being of the organism. Aquatic turtles hydrate in their habitat. On the other hand, it is essential to supply fresh water frequently to those on land.

The two types of turtles feed differently. While the land ones are vegetarian, the marine ones must ingest greater quantities of proteins and animal fats.

There are commercial foods for both species. It is the most practical way to guarantee them an adequate diet. However, you can also opt for a homemade diet. However, consult a veterinarian to balance the nutrients.

land turtle

Author: Leandro Martinez

What can they eat?

In the case of an aquatic turtle, the ideal would be to mix commercial food with small amounts of raw fish  (low in fat), small crustaceans, suitable vegetables, larvae, crickets and small insects.

A land turtle must be given vegetables, fruit,  (except citrus fruits) flowers, herbs, small pieces of raw meat and earthworms. They need a lot of calcium and phosphorus to keep their shells strong and tough. It is their main protection against external threats.

The amount of food depends on the size and age of the animal. A small, young turtle only needs to be fed once a day. A large one, on the other hand, can eat up to 3-4 times a day.

Both the land and the aquatic ones can damage the skin and the shell, and suffer from ocular infections and digestive problems. For this, they  must be periodically taken to the vet. 

Source of main image: neusitas

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