How To Take Care Of A Blind Dog

How to take care of a blind dog

When they reach a certain age, animals begin to lose their sight. Although they have highly developed sense of smell and hearing, they may need help early on. In this article we will tell you how to take care of a blind dog to maintain its lifestyle in recent years.

Tips for taking care of a blind dog

First of all, you must understand that even if your dog doesn’t see us as before, it doesn’t mean that he can’t take care of himself. You don’t have to always protect him or think that without your help he can’t do anything. If you pass on your fears and insecurities to him, you could turn him into an overly dependent animal.

dog with his tongue out

Source: Redfishingboat (Mick O)

Remember that your dog will be able to adapt to his new condition. Here is a list of recommendations for taking care of it:

1. Do not make radical changes to the interior of the house

The displacement of the furniture must be studied well. There is no need to remove half of the furniture to get the dog to move freely without bumping into anything. Nor to remove objects that could be a danger to him.

Remember that the animal will be guided by its sense of smell and that,  thanks to its memory, it already knows where the furniture in the house is located. In addition, his personal items give off a particular smell that can be detected by the dog even from a distance. Don’t make too many changes, you could confuse him.

2. Give it some freedom

At first it is normal for a dog that has lost his sight to bump into something. Don’t be scared and don’t be on him all the time. Keep the house tidy so that there are no objects with which he could hurt himself, such as open furniture doors or toys on the floor.

3. Don’t let him approach the stairs

If you have a house with stairs, you need to put protection on it,  to prevent the dog from climbing them alone. Don’t worry, over time it will learn to climb one step at a time. He may be afraid at first, but you can help him overcome this obstacle.

4. Let him know where all his personal belongings are

You don’t have to worry that it can’t find food or water. However, it is always recommended to assist him in the early days. The reference points for the dog must always be his bowl or his kennel. From where these objects are located, he will then be able to orient himself around the house.

5. Buy him some games that make noise

Leisure time shouldn’t be eliminated just because your dog has lost his sight. You can, however, modify the games it will use. Since he does not see the ball now and then goes to retrieve it in the park, buy him a toy that emits his own so that he can easily spot it.

white dog plays with colorful ball on the lawn

Don’t stop playing with him, if you do, your furry friend will get depressed. Let him know that it is still very important to you! For example, you could teach him to follow you by making noise or shouting his name. This could help him not to get lost on walks.

6. Take him for a walk always keeping him on a leash

Exercise is another activity that you shouldn’t give up when you have a blind dog. Since he may be frightened by hearing certain noises, always keep him on a leash during walks. So he can be by your side at all times. Keep in mind that he may stop to smell odors. Don’t pull it to keep it walking. Through these he will be able to orient himself, and they could help him return home in case he gets lost.

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