How To Take Care Of Your Pets In The Summer

How to take care of your animals in the summer

As with people, dogs and cats also suffer from heat. For this reason, in the following article we will talk about  how to take care of your animals during the summer,  whether you take them on vacation with you, stay in the city or leave them with someone you know.

How to take care of your animals in the summer

Heatstroke doesn’t just affect humans. Dogs and cats can also suffer from it. When temperatures exceed 30 ° C, animals are exposed to disease or ailments if the owners do not take adequate measures.

Thick coat, red skin and, in some cases, the inability to drink water or stay in the shade, can all contribute to making them sick.

Heatstroke can occur when the animal spends many hours in the sun. Although many do not know it, owners who leave their dogs in the car are favoring their dehydration and their possible death.

The main symptoms that indicate that the animals are suffering from the heat are:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Excessive breathlessness
  • Numbness
  • Nose, mouth and dry skin
  • Depression
  • Weakness

If your dog or cat is having thermal shock, you must take him to the vet immediately. On the way, pass water on his stomach and front legs (which would be like our armpits).

Some breeds are more likely to suffer from this problem, such as dogs with flat noses (brachycephalics): Bulldogs or Boxers. The same happens for animals with long and thick hair (the Angora Cat or Akita dogs).

Those who are most vulnerable to heatstroke are older adults and puppies,  as their metabolism cannot regulate their body temperature well.

Tips to follow during the summer

In order to guarantee the well-being of your animals, it is essential that you follow these tips during the warmer months:

1. Avoid poorly ventilated places

Do not lock them in houses where there is no air. Animals don’t sweat like us and they can’t even get water on their own. 

2. Don’t leave them in the sun

For nothing in the world you can leave them in a place where there is no shade, as in the hottest hours they will not only dehydrate, but could also burn themselves. Bear in mind that  animals have sensitive areas, such as the muzzle for dogs and ears for cats,  and the stomach for both.

3. Give it plenty of water

It doesn’t matter that they end it all. Add a container in addition to the one from which the animal usually drinks. Drinking water is very important to counteract the heat. It is essential that it is fresh and clear. Change it every day to prevent mosquitoes from proliferating.

4. Wet them

How about getting them wet every now and then? Baths are essential for regulating their body temperature, especially during the hottest hours. A fountain in the park might be ideal for dogs. The good thing is that they will dry quickly and won’t get the whole house wet.

5. Pay attention to the paws

Concrete, sand, stone or other surfaces can get very hot in the summer. We don’t realize it because we wear shoes, but dogs do. The hot asphalt could burn their fingertips. Avoid the hottest hours for the walk.

6. Give him less food

In hot weather, the animal is likely to eat less voraciously than during the winter. Pay attention to his dietary changes and intestinal problems he may suffer from. With the help of your vet, you can reduce the amount of food, or moisten it with water or milk, to keep your pet hydrated.

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