How To Train A Deaf Dog

If your dog is deaf, it takes more effort to train it, but it’s worth it.
How to train a deaf dog

Perhaps this is a problem that you have never asked yourself until you have learned that you have a deaf dog or when you have adopted a dog with this handicap.

It is clear that while educating a dog with a good hearing system can be a difficult task, educating  a deaf dog is even more complicated, but certainly not impossible.

Even if your dog is deaf, you can train him

It is clear that the fact that a dog is deaf is a difficulty in every sense at the time of living together and especially when it comes to training.

We have to think that there will be a number of unexpected difficulties that you will encounter and that will make you appreciate your hearing much more.

If your dog is deaf, don’t worry: with calm, patience and some good advice you can train him.

In reality the methods are the same, among all repetition and positive reinforcement, only that while in a hearing dog the repetition will take place through words, in a deaf dog it will have to be done with signs.

Teach the dog

Choose a signal

The first thing you will need to do if your dog is deaf and you want to train him is to choose a signal with which you will indicate when he has done something right or how you wanted.

This signal could be by hand or with a flashlight (never a laser light). Remember that the gesture of your hand or the play of lights with the torch must always be the same so as not to confuse the animal.

Show him the signal

Now comes an important step: teaching the dog what signal it will see when it has done something right. You should try to teach him something simple and easily recognizable, such as taking something in your hand and lifting a finger, for example your thumb.

Give the signal and make sure your dog sees it every time he obeys. In this way he will be able to create a connection between both gestures.

It is best to reward him every time he obeys your orders.

Get his attention when he’s not looking at you

It is possible that your dog is distracted, and since he cannot hear you, you will need to find a way to get his attention so that you can continue with the training.

You can touch him close to the eyes, to let him know that what you want is for him to look at you.

You could also use a candy or some of his favorite food to get his attention. Best not to reward him until he complies with an order.

Plan what you want to teach him

Once you recognize the signals, before you train him seriously,  plan what you want to teach him.

For example, sitting down, picking up or leaving something or coming to you when you call him. Once the dog has memorized these orders, you can begin the actual training.

How to educate the dog

Choose a negative sign

In the same way that you will have to show the dog when it is doing something right, you will have to teach it to understand when it is doing something wrong.

Therefore, you will need a signal to let him know that he has not done what you expected of him. For example, if you have decided that thumbs up means good, thumbs down means bad.

Signal and award

The best way for the animal to learn and relate obedience to something good is not to let a lot of time pass between the positive signal and the reward.

As soon as you see that your pet has done what you ordered, reward him automatically, so you can teach him that if he does the same thing next time he will have a reward again.

Cuddling, petting and sweet words are also positive rewards that your dog will appreciate.

If your dog is deaf, he can still be trained, although you may need an extra dose of patience and perseverance. If you follow these tips, it will be much easier. You just have to try!

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