Huff, The “vampire” Hedgehog Who Is Depopulating On The Net

Huff, the "vampire" hedgehog who is becoming popular online

The Internet surprises us. Animals surprise us. If we combine the two things, it gets really interesting. We have seen hundreds, maybe thousands of photos of small and beautiful dogs, cats in very special positions, weird animals and many images that have made us spend some time. And today we present Huff, the “vampire” hedgehog.

Sometimes they told us stories of friendship between animals that we could never believe, or of animals with some particularity that made us laugh. Today we will talk about one of them, Huff, the vampire hedgehog.

Here is Huff, the vampire hedgehog


It is not a common thing to have a hedgehog as a pet, but more and more the brave are daring to get one. The truth is that if a hedgehog does not feel threatened and socializes with other animals and people from an early age, it can become very tender.

Huff, the vampire, besides being tender and sweet, is famous. Her Instagram account already has 25,000 followers. And his photos are no less. You will melt when you see them!

The hedgehog faces are very nice and we like seeing one, except that very often we are afraid of them. But, as we said before, it is an unfounded fear. A tamed hedgehog can be a pet like any other.

Curls have the particularity of having two more protruding teeth than the others, right in the front part of the mouth. However, in the case of Huff, the vampire hedgehog, his mistress was able to profit from this and, hence, his funny name.

Huff and success on the internet

The photos that Huff’s mistress, the vampire hedgehog, takes of him are spectacular. They are very elaborate and well thought out. This is why he is one of the most followed animals on Instagram. Huff seems to have a lot of fun being photographed, because in all the photos he is really nice. It really must be love!

However, not everything was pleasant for Huff, the vampire hedgehog. His old master mistreated him and the poor fellow had fallen into a deep sadness from which he seemed unable to get out. Carolyn began to take care of him when she became aware of this situation and assures that Huff, the vampire hedgehog, has helped her a lot with her emotional problems. He says:

“I opened the Instagram account because I know that, like me, many people suffer from affective disorders, and so I wanted to share with them something that made me smile every day.

Huff is a bit grumpy and grumpy, but inside he is likeable, tender, and big-hearted. Perhaps this is why hedgehogs have more and more fans, because they identify with them ”.

Carolyn would never have believed her idea could be such a success, but it did. Huff, the vampire hedgehog, is world famous. Moreover, according to the comments of his followers on the net, many are smiling thanks to his photos.

Other famous animals on the net


Huff isn’t the only famous pet on the net. We have introduced you to others in several articles. Let’s review some of them:

  • The fluffy couple. A blind dog and his guide dog are moving users of all social networks. Their beautiful friendship and guide dog work melted thousands of hearts.
  • The curmudgeon dog. A dog who, due to an illness (nothing serious) always had an angry face, has become an idol of the network with his funny photos.
  • The dog rescued by an Uruguayan pilot. A rally driver was willing to blow up his car in order not to run over a little dog that accidentally ended up on the circuit.
  • Pumpkin the raccoon. The raccoon who believes himself to be a dog has reached a considerable number of followers thanks to the photos in which he was seen together with dogs, completely at ease and imitating their behaviors.

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