Human Drugs Harmful To Dogs

Human Drugs Harmful to Dogs

Imagine having a very severe headache and not being able to find a pill that can relieve the pain. Go look in the medicine cabinet and find only the medication your vet has prescribed for your dog for bruising pain.

If the migraine hasn’t made you lose the light of reason, surely it would never jump into your head to take the dog’s medicine. However,  when the dog is sick, many people think they can give him a drug for human use. This is a big mistake! You should know that there are medicines for human use that can be fatal if given to dogs. Below we show you what they are.

Human drugs are ineffective on dogs


You don’t have to think that if a drug is right for you then it will be good for your dog too.  You should always keep  medicines out of reach of the dog to prevent them from accidentally ingesting them . If your dog finds lozenges, he will most likely eat them.

We will now talk about the five most harmful drugs for dogs and with which they should never come into contact. If your dog ingests them, don’t feel guilty! You learn to be good masters through experience and information. To learn how to be responsible owners, we recommend reading this article : What You Didn’t Know About Your Dog.

Human Drugs Harmful to Dogs


1.- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Surely in every home there are non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs. The best known are undoubtedly acetylsalicylic acid, the common aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. Although these drugs relieve pain in humans, they can be lethal when given to the dog. If your dog ingests them, he can suffer from severe gastrointestinal problems, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or suffer from abdominal pain, loss of appetite, ulcers, etc. These medicines can even cause irreversible kidney failure.


Here is another very common drug. People use it to relieve pain or to fight fever. In dogs, paracetamol causes a toxic metabolite that causes liver damage (necrosis) and the destruction of red blood cells.

3.-Medicines for cholesterol

When an owner sees that his pet is suffering, he purposely administers the two medicines described above. This is not the case with cholesterol medications. Hardly anyone knows their dog’s cholesterol levels and if they ingest them, it will be by accident. Remember never to leave medicines unattended! These drugs cause vomiting and diarrhea and a massive or prolonged intake can be lethal for your pet. 


More and more people are turning to benzodiazepines for their tranquilizing, muscle relaxant, sedative and hypno-inducing properties. But don’t think that they can help you to control dog anxiety, quite the contrary. The effects on animals are opposite: the dog will get even more nervous and may even suffer from liver damage. If your dog is anxious or nervous, check out this article: When your dog bites destructively.


We all know that even animals feel sad, but this does not mean that they can be given antidepressants for human use. These drugs are extremely toxic to dogs. Talk to your vet about it. To learn how to make your pet happy, read: Homemade toys: ideas to entertain your dog.

You must take care of your dog and never err on the side of lightness. If you notice that he is not feeling well, see your vet. We have said several times that dogs are extremely curious creatures and it is your duty to keep all objects and medicines that can harm his health out of his reach. We have shown you the lethal effects of drugs on your human when given to dogs. If your dog accidentally ingests a medicine, don’t waste time and go to the veterinary emergency room immediately.

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