Human Gestures Incomprehensible To Dogs

Human gestures incomprehensible to dogs

That the dog is man’s best friend is not a simple way of saying: over the years, not only does he give us company and unconditional love, but he ends up getting to know us better than anyone.

Although the dog knows how to perceive many of our moods and emotions, there are some behaviors and gestures of the man that he is not able to understand. 

Here are 5 human gestures that are incomprehensible to a dog:

Stroking his muzzle


Author: slowdevil

Not all people like to be touched on the face: unless it is a caress from a loved one, such a gesture can embarrass or annoy the recipient. Many are convinced that dogs, on the other hand, like it a lot and have a habit of stroking their snouts for a long time.

Dogs often interpret this gesture as an invasion of their personal space, and can react with rejection, sometimes even towards the owner himself.

Look at him steadily

Also in this case, when we notice that a stranger approaches and does not stop staring at us, we feel an unpleasant feeling of uncertainty, because we cannot understand if his approach is friendly or not.

Not everyone knows this, but many dogs dislike prolonged eye contact. It is interpreted as an attitude of threat and domination. Once your dog gets used to it, the problem will no longer exist. If they don’t know you, they might interpret the gaze as aggressive behavior, so it’s best to avoid it.

Talk to the dog a lot

Our four-legged friend does not understand when we speak to him, although, on many occasions, he obeys the letter and learns the meaning of some words. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a canine translator, and if we talk to him non-stop, he’ll start to feel very confused.

The secret of his strong bond with man revolves around his incredible ability to interpret body language, which allows him to understand our thoughts and feelings with great ease.

The disguise

Many parents love to dress up their children when they are small because they are cuddly and cute with the costume. Some children have a lot of fun, others don’t like it and get nervous.

Dogs are like the latter; for them the disguise is the maximum expression of the invasion of their space and confusion. Whether it’s for the heat or because it prevents movement, disguising the dog is one of the gestures that generates a lot of tension in the animal.

The hug

In our culture, hugging is the most eloquent, affectionate and sweet way to show love for a person. We also do this gesture with our dogs; however, it does not mean the same to them.

For a dog, the act of hugging does not express affection or friendship, but is seen, rather, as a willingness to dominate it. While some show no disagreement, in general, receiving a hug may make them nervous or intimidating, resulting in hostile reactions.

If when you hug your dog you notice him trying to escape, avoid looking you in the eye, turn his head away, lick his mouth, or hold her tightly, he is likely asking you to let him go.

Do not forget:


Dogs are special beings, requiring not only care and love, but also respect and understanding. When one of these beautiful animals becomes part of the family, it must be treated impeccably, as our actions provoke emotions in it.

Avoiding one of our gestures making him feel uncomfortable will make him happier and more comfortable in our company.

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