Ice Creams For Dogs Are Coming To Market

Ice creams for dogs are coming to market

How many of us have had to undergo the “torture” of seeing our dog’s gaze while we ate an ice cream? We would have no problem giving it to them, but we know that dairy products, sugar and other ingredients are absolutely no good for dogs. But, with the new ice cream for dogs, things have changed.

Don Paletto is the name of the Mexican shop that came up with this brilliant idea.

How was the idea of ​​ice cream for dogs born?

Don Paletto is already a point of reference for dogs and owners. Animals know where to go when they are thirsty or hot for a walk. Mauricio Montoya, owner of the shop, explains verbatim why he got the idea:

“In various parts of the world there are ice cream for dogs, but they put meat in it, so it’s not a dessert. I was committed to creating a sweet ice cream that dogs could eat “.

And so Mauricio thought that our dog friends deserve their own ice creams with refreshing tastes and to be able to eat at any time. According to him, an ice cream with meat is not a solution.

What are dog ice creams made of?

The ingredients used in these ice creams are natural. For the most part, these are fruits and vegetables that are suitable for animals. Some contain carrots, peanut cream, or even yogurt in moderate amounts. Thus they help the digestion of dogs, rather than complicate it.

To obtain such combinations, Mauricio inquired about what dogs can and cannot eat. He talked to vets, especially that of his dog, Jagger. For this reason, and for the reaction of the dogs that eat them, we can be sure that these ice creams are not harmful at all.

In addition to ice cream for dogs, in this shop we also find those for humans. So the owners can have an ice cream together with their 4-legged friend. Among the flavors for dogs we find: apple-blueberry, carrot-strawberry and peanut-banana.

No Mauricio ice cream contains sugar. And no other ingredients that can harm your pet’s health. In fact, Mauricio was so sure of this that it was his own dog that acted as the “guinea pig” in this story. Mauricio states that Jagger liked the ice creams very much. Moreover, he ate one after the other non-stop and without any negative results.

What do dogs think?

ice cream for dogs

As in all stores, the customer’s opinion is the most important thing. In this case the customers are the dogs. What do they think of all this?

Tanque, for example, a huge bulldog, usually eats his ice cream in two bites. But he doesn’t consider it enough, because he tries to steal his brother Lucky’s too. Their master fights a constant war with both of them.

Super, a huge German shepherd, doesn’t have the patience to wait for Mauricio to make him his ice cream. He prefers to throw himself on the leftovers of others, while waiting for his own arrival.

Seeing dogs on two legs, eager to eat their ice cream or waiting for a second, is a sight that many stop to watch.

This ice cream shop has turned into something special. It was also used as a last wish for dogs that needed to be put down. It is a breath of fresh air for many animals and, above all, fun for their owners.

We hope this initiative continues to work. And we hope that it will soon spread, so that all the dogs in the world can enjoy a healthy and delicious dessert like ice cream-canine.

However, remember that ice cream is not good for dogs. So, don’t give them yours. Unless they are like Don Paletto’s, produced especially for them.

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