Is Dry Nose A Symptom Of Disease In Dogs?

Is dry nose a symptom of illness in dogs?

Dry noses in both adult and puppy dogs can reflect the health of the animal. Normally, it should be humid most of the time. However, it can sometimes be dry or have changes in pigmentation. All this depends on some external factors (the climate, most of the time) or even on genetic predispositions.

Causes of dry nose 

Although many people are alarmed when they notice any changes in their dog’s nose,  not all cases indicate some serious illness  that requires an urgent visit to the vet.

Causes that can make the nose dry or produce changes in pigmentation can be:

  • The climate. Winter or summer causes the greatest changes not only in dogs, but in all living things. When these animals are exposed to the elements or under the sun’s rays, episodes of low nose hydration and even changes in pigmentation can occur.

Some breeds, such as Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Samoyeds or Siberian huskies, exhibit regular changes in nose color depending on the time of year. While other breeds such as Pitbull, Australian Shepherd or Collie have genetic depigmentation.

  • Sunburn. Excessive sun exposure is harmful to both people and animals. Dog owners must ensure that their 4-legged friends do not spend too much time in the sun.
  • After spending time in front of a heat source. In winter, the dog is always looking for a warm place.
  • Little ventilation. If the animal spends a lot of time in a poorly ventilated place, it may dry out its nose.

Measures to be taken

The first thing to do is to consult a veterinarian. However, we can take preventive measures to avoid injury to the nose or that the problem that arises becomes a serious ailment. This is the case of Nasal Hyperkeratosis, or an increase in the thickness of the skin.

  • Adjust the duration of exposure to the sun. Many dogs enjoy this activity, but owners need to keep them under control.
  • Use sunscreen. There are products created to protect dogs’ noses from the sun’s rays. Some also use ones made for people, but that’s not good. However, they must be zinc oxide free creams.
  • Vaseline. This ointment is good enough to relieve splits caused by a lack of hydration. It must be applied in very small quantities, as the animal will try to lick its nose to remove the product, which could cause indigestion.
  • Make sure he drinks water. This is the best way to get your dog hydrated. If the water is fresh, even better.
  • Wash your nose with cold soapy water. This is a practice that brings a lot of relief to the dog. One important thing: the soap must be neutral or mild, and it must be specific for animals. You absolutely must not use a cleanser for people.

Red alert

In some cases the symptoms that the dog presents may indicate that the animal is in danger of life.

The signs are:

  1. When dryness is no longer occasional but becomes permanent. Specialists say that  if your dog has a dry and cracked nose for more than two days, it means that you need to take him to the vet urgently.

2.  Crushed nose. This is due to wounds or the appearance of sores.

3.  Excessive secretion,  especially if it is yellowish or green.

4.  Visible and palpable swelling or inflammation.

5.  Itching. In extreme cases, dogs can violently rub their nose against the floor or walls.

6.  If the dryness is accompanied by other ailments such as coughing, sneezing, vomiting or diarrhea. Or even from loss of appetite.

In these cases, what lies behind the dryness of the nose?

Severe burns, a weakened immune system, Distemper or even dermatological diseases, such as skin cancer.

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