Is It Possible To Have A Raccoon As A Pet?

Can you have a raccoon as a pet?

The “original” species, that is, those out of the ordinary, are in fashion,  and more and more people choose them as pets. For this reason, many are wondering if it is possible to have a raccoon in the house. Read on to find out.

A raccoon as a pet, is that possible?

Depending on which country you are in, it is possible to have a raccoon as a pet. Although not found in pet stores, it can be adopted by private breeders. It is difficult for them to have one in a shop, as its behavior is very different from that of a simple animal.

Despite his cuddly appearance and some cute gestures, the raccoon  is aggressive, lively, and boisterous. 

raccoon with open mouth

How to take care of a raccoon?

Choose a suitable place

Unlike cats and dogs,  the raccoon is not made for living in small spaces like an apartment. If you want one, you need to make sure you have a suitable place for him, such as a large terrace or a garden.

First of all,  you need to know that the raccoon is a wild animal  and that although you cannot provide it with its natural habitat, you can create one that comes close.

Leave him free

It is possible that you are afraid that he will run away, especially in the first few days, because he has to get used to his new home. The best thing is to put high fences to prevent him from escaping. Never put him in a cage, as he could become aggressive.


The raccoon is an omnivorous animal, so the main foods it feeds on are meat, white fish, fruit and vegetables. Never give him red meat and blue fish, as his stomach cannot digest them.

raccoon eating garbage waste

Wet cat food is also suitable for a raccoon.  It will provide him with all the necessary nutrients and also he will love it. Obviously, he must never lack fresh water.


Too many baths damage a raccoon’s skin, so washing it a couple of times a year will be enough. It is an animal that generally does not give off a bad smell and that cleans itself with its tongue, like cats. If you think that sometimes it needs a nice bath, use a dry shampoo (not for people).

It is also important to take care of the coat. Brush it every day, especially during the moulting period.

Educate him

Due to its character, a raccoon must be educated from an early age. You have to understand what the limits are and that you are in charge. Obviously,  punishments, shouts and blows must be avoided. Positive reinforcement, on the other hand, is a more effective method.

Obviously some of his innate behaviors cannot be changed. If you think it necessary, contact a professional trainer.

Since the raccoon is suitable as a pet,  you will have a lot of fun times with him. 

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