Japanese Company Adopts Cats For Employees

Japanese company adopts cats for employees

Working in an office is an activity that requires a lot of concentration on the part of employees who have to do an efficient job. However, it is sometimes quite common to be unproductive due to the stress and boredom that characterize these environments. We tell you today how a Japanese company decided to adopt cats to reduce the stress of its employees. 

This was a recurring problem for the Japanese company Ferray Corporation, until, to the surprise of many, an incredible measure was adopted that solved this inconvenience and brought great joy to the workers: adopting 9 cats and offering them a space inside the offices. .

This intelligent decision represented the definitive turning point for the company which, in fact, since the arrival of these animals, has increased productivity and made employees much happier.

If it seems surprising and hard to believe, below are the reasons why the presence of these kittens has changed the Ferray Corporation for the better.

They improve the working environment


As much as you may love your job, being in the office becomes very stressful over time, which consequently causes not only difficulty concentrating, but also health problems.

For this reason, it  is vital to have a work environment that is pleasant for both managers and employees; therefore, “resorting” to pets is one of the best solutions, because they help to relax and spend pleasant moments.

One thing is certain: since the arrival of these cute four-legged colleagues, the working days in this Japanese company have become much more pleasant, to the point of leading some workers to invite others to adopt kittens.

They reduce stress

Being stressed in the workplace is something normal and inevitable, almost like being hungry or thirsty;  in fact, having various responsibilities, taking care of them and always being in a hurry, are things that generate a stress that multiplies when there are annoying colleagues or bosses and there is no relaxing distraction.

Of course that can all change if you share your workspace with some cute kittens, because their company makes the place you are more beautiful and helps you distract yourself in a very healthy way, thanks to the possibility of playing with them a little ‘, caress them and talk to them.

According to the Affinity Foundation, the presence of pets in the offices of various companies is quite common:  in fact, it has been shown that animals are of great help in increasing the level of well-being and considerably decreasing anxiety.

Relations between workers improve

To get along with co-workers, you need a less stressful work environment, because  when you are in an unpleasant place, people tend to be more irritable and not easily manageable. 

One of the problems of the Ferray Corporation was precisely the cold relations between workers and managers, a fact that significantly affected the low productivity that characterized the company in recent times.

Since the arrival of these cute kittens, the work environment has transformed from a pile of paperwork, books and computers to a place full of life and tenderness, which has consequently generated a huge improvement in the relationships between colleagues.

Cats have numerous health benefits


In addition to reducing stress and anxiety, the presence of cats is very positive for health,  as they significantly affect this. Here are some benefits of keeping cats together:

  • According to various studies, cats reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease.
  • Their purrs reduce sleep stress and blood pressure.
  • They help fight depression.
  • They help autistic people to communicate.

Consider this idea!

Animals are unparalleled beings, which make our life much happier and which bring many benefits to our health.

If you want to create a better working environment, perhaps adopting a cat might be the solution for you.

Image courtesy of Ken Bosma.

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