Keep Older Dogs Active With Games And Activities

To curb the symptoms of old age and offer a longer life expectancy to our four-legged friends, it is essential to keep them active even when they are elderly. How to do it? In this article, we share some activities and games suitable for older dogs.
Keep older dogs active with games and activities

When adopting an animal, it is important to take into account that its needs will change over the years. The care an animal requires depends to a large extent on its age and state of health. Keeping older dogs active, for example, will require more attention and specific care, as they are more vulnerable.

Like humans, animals also undergo numerous changes in body and mind as they age. These changes affect both the appearance and the character of the animal. Little by little, the symptoms of old age and, often, some conduct disorders appear.

Why is it so important to keep senior dogs active?

Physical and mental stimulation must be an essential part of any animal’s routine. Its body and mind need to be stimulated and trained to allow the animal to fully develop its physical, cognitive, emotional and social skills.

Nonetheless, there is still some belief that older animals need to rest as much as possible. In reality, however, it is crucial to stimulate them to prevent or delay the physical, cognitive and sensory decay typical of aging.

For example, performing low-impact exercises helps prevent muscle loss and strengthen bones, thereby improving physical endurance and preventing weakness. Intelligence games, on the other hand, preserve the acuity of the senses and prevent the onset of senile dementia.

Logically, all activities must adapt to the characteristics and limitations of each specimen. In other words, physical and mental stimulation must consider variables such as the species, age, state of health, needs and limits of the animal’s organism.

Elderly dog ​​in the nature.

For all these reasons, it is recommended that you take your pet to the vet before including any new activities in its routine. Expert advice is indispensable.

How to keep older dogs active?

In the following lines, we present some complete, low-impact activities that are ideal for keeping older dogs active.

I swim

Swimming is one of the best and most complete activities for senior dogs. Exercises in the water have a low impact on the joints and are great for strengthening bones and muscles.

In addition to this, swimming is relaxing, which is why it will help to calm pains and offer a feeling of well-being to the animal.

Daily walks

When the animal reaches its third age, the daily walks will continue to be a real cure-all for its health and well-being. They will also be good for the bosses.

During the walk, the animal not only relieves itself and trains its muscles, it also releases its energy, explores new stimuli and interacts with other animals. This sharpens his senses, his intelligence and his social skills.

Benefits of walking for older dogs.

However, it is important to adapt the pace of the walk and the duration of the walk to the needs and limits of your pet. The ideal is to take short and frequent walks, lasting about 20 minutes, which include breaks to rest and enjoy the air.

Teach the commands of obedience

The education of the animal must be a continuous path: it must begin right from its arrival in the house and be extended throughout its life. Teaching the dog obedience commands stimulates the pet’s memory and cognitive skills, as well as trains its body.

In the case of older dogs, this interaction with the owner is essential to prevent the development of symptoms of cognitive dysfunction, a condition similar to Alzheimer’s in humans. Remember to always offer a prize to your best friends to reward their efforts and determination.

Games and affection

Even older pets like to play and have fun with their owners. On top of that, they are constantly looking for affection because they feel vulnerable and may even be afraid when they are alone.

During the third age of our four-legged friends, we must be very patient and dedicate a special moment of the day to spend together.

In these moments of company with your pet, we recommend offering them simple intelligence games. The same goes for relaxing massages that will help him fight pain and feel safer and more comfortable at home.

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