Let’s Discover 5 Dogs At Risk Of Extinction

The dogs at risk of extinction are the result of crossing with other breeds or a low birth rate, with the consequent lower number of pure specimens.
We discover 5 dogs at risk of extinction

There are also some dogs at risk of extinction,  although it is thought that an animal on the verge of extinction belongs only to a rarer species, such as a bear or a whale.

In this article we will talk about 5 breeds of dogs at risk of extinction. 

Dogs at risk of extinction?

One might think that with so many specimens existing in the world it is impossible that there are dogs at risk of extinction.

However, we are referring to some breeds in particular which, due to crossbreeding with other specimens or a low birth rate, are about to disappear. Here are some examples:

1. Norsk Lundehund

This animal of Norwegian origin is small in size and of the Spitz type, whose name derives from the prefix “lunde”, which means puffin and from the suffix “hund”, which means dog. The Norsk Lundehund – pictured that opens this article – was created to hunt birds and their eggs.

One of the characteristics of this dog is that  in each paw it has six toes and has joints in the nape of the neck, so it can move its head more than any of its peers. It has the tail folded towards the back and the color of the coat can be brown, white and gray.

2. Black and tan coonhound

If translated, this dog’s name could be ‘black and tan raccoon hunter’, and it is one of six recognized varieties within the Coonhound family. It originated in the United States to help capture these small mammals that destroy fields and crops.

Black and tan coonhound in the meadow

The Black and tan coonhound is a large, strong boned hound with good musculature and a prominent head and snout. 

As for his temperament, he is quite independent, active and calm.

3. Puli

This is another of the dogs at risk of extinction. It is originally from Hungary, is small or medium in size and is known for its “corded” or rasta coat, which are formed starting from six months of life.

Puli in the meadow

The Puli is a very affectionate herding dog that gets along well with children; it is also an excellent watchdog. It adapts to urban and rural life, but it needs to do a lot of daily physical activity.

4. Rhodesian Ridgeback

It is a dog with an elegant bearing, it is very beautiful and it was born in South Africa. Very agile and fast, (it runs at 65 km / h,) it is a companion and guard animal.

Rhodesian Ridgeback in the meadow

The Rhodesian Ridgeback has a short reddish brown coat and has a kind of crest on its back. As for his character, he is loyal, intelligent, balanced, strong, protective and patient with children.

5. Affenpinscher

The last of the endangered dogs on this list is a very peculiar little one. To begin with, its name means “monkey terrier” in German, due to its large, round, hairy head and curly, black, short coat.

Affenpinscher in the meadow

The Affenpinscher is sturdy, with pointed ears and a dominant lower jaw. It measures less than 30 cm and weighs just over 3 kg: it is intelligent, alert, affectionate and active.

Unfortunately, there are other endangered dog breeds that we need to mention: Chinese Crested Dog, Catalburun, Peruvian Hairless Dog, Bedlington Terrier, Catahoula Leopard Dog, Tibetan Mastiff, Mudi, Xoloitzcuintle, Thai Ridgeback Dog, and Otterhound.

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