Let’s Discover Together 5 Species Of Nocturnal Birds

Let's discover 5 species of nocturnal birds together

Many animals stay awake at night and sleep during the day. There are many nocturnal birds, and they are known mainly for this habit of theirs. In the following article we will tell you about it.

Examples of nocturnal birds

The order of nocturnal birds of prey consists of two families:  Tytonidae and Strigidae.  They are found all over the world – except in Antarctica and some areas of Greenland – and are known to be great hunters. In addition, they are solitary and spend many hours in the branches of trees or hidden in the holes of the trunks. Here are some examples:

1. Allocco

This raptor  is medium in size and lives mainly in the woods of Europe and Asia all year round because it does not migrate and is quite territorial. It feeds on rodents that it catches by launching itself at full speed from the branches.

The owl – in the photo that opens this article – has an incredible night vision, which is combined with a hearing that allows it to receive sound in a directional way. This bird has plumage of various shades of brown and,  due to its characteristic call considered disturbing, is associated with death and bad luck.

2. Eagle owl

Its scientific name is  Bubo Bubo,  and it is another of the nocturnal birds that can be found in Asia and in some areas of Europe, as it adapts to different habitats: woods, steppes, tundras and semi-desert areas. It builds its nest in rocky escarpments and each year the female lays about six eggs, always in winter or spring. The rest of the year he lives alone.

eagle owl on log

The eagle owl is the largest nocturnal bird of prey, and is characterized by its two “tufts” of feathers that look like ears.  It has orange eyes and the feathers can be brown, gray and black. It flies horizontally and its howl can be heard up to two kilometers away. It feeds on rodents, hares, doves and even hedgehogs.

3. Eastern American Scops Owl

It is common to find this bird east of North America, between Mexico and Canada. It can live in wooded environments and  has adapted to the human being, although it frequently avoids it  (due to its nocturnal habits).

Eastern American scops owl

There are 5 subspecies of the eastern American scops owl, depending on the geographic location. However, it has feathers of similar colors: reddish or grayish. This way it can disguise itself among pine trees or fallen leaves. The beak is yellow and has larger legs than those of its European and Asian relatives.

4. Owl

The owl lives in North Africa and southern Europe and Asia, where it settles in ecosystems full of olive trees. It is very easy to identify due to its yellowish eyes – the same tone as its beak – and its brown and white feathers.

owl inside tree

He hears howling at sunset, when he begins to hunt; it feeds on small birds, rodents, insects and worms. According to Greek mythology, the goddess Athena was an owl and, for this reason, she was chosen as the symbol of the city of Athens. In Roman culture it was said to announce death, and it was later adopted as a symbol of philosophy.

5. Common Barn Owl

The last of the common birds on this list is the most widespread in the world, as it only avoids desert, polar or very high areas, such as the Himalayas. Medium in size and with no gender differences, it  has a clear heart-shaped facial disc  and has brown feathers of various shades.

Common barn owl in the middle of the meadow

The wings of the common barn owl are short, so it doesn’t fly long distances. It moves silently, which allows it to hunt without being heard. Its diet consists of rodents, insects, small birds and shrews.

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