Lose Weight And Lose Weight With Your Dog

Lose weight and lose weight with your dog

There are many ways to keep fit and healthy. Yet among the many diets, training methods and sports, few things are as fun as losing weight with your dog. Exercising and exercising with your pet is not only the best way to get back in shape. Above all, it will allow you to consolidate the deep bond that exists between master and animal.

It has been shown that people who own a dog are generally less sedentary. Although they don’t participate in any sport, 2 or 3 daily walks are the best excuse to get out and get some exercise.

You can lose weight thanks to your four-legged friend and more. Also from a psychological point of view, contact with this extraordinary animal will help you relax and release excess stress. If you have adopted a dog, do not miss the opportunity to play sports together : it will help you lose weight and both you and your pet will be better off.

Benefits of losing weight with a dog

Keep fit while having fun

Exercising with your pet is ideal for sedentary people, and also for beginners in a sporting activity. Physical activity improves circulation, strengthens the heart and respiratory system, thus reducing the risk of suffering from heart disease. In addition, you will stimulate the nervous system of your body.

lady on the beach with the dog

Exercise is also beneficial to animals. It strengthens muscles and bones, improves your heart condition and reduces the risks associated with a too sedentary lifestyle. Another important advantage of exercise is that it fights obesity, a typical characteristic of dogs with a few years older.

Strengthening the bond between dog and owner

The activities carried out together with your four-legged friend foster the bond you have with it. You will strengthen this important friendship by improving the way of communicating, a fundamental aspect of living together. By spending more time together, your dog will be more peaceful and obedient.

It goes without saying that, for animals, exercise is like a game, therefore a fun that will infect you. One way to keep your dog interested is to reward him at the end of each activity, with a biscuit or his favorite snack .

Mens sana in corpore sano : benefits for mood

Having a pet usually improves mood. Especially when training is perceived as fun. Playing with your dog promotes the production of serotonin and dopamine, which increase the feeling of happiness in the person and in the animal. It also decreases depressive states or the feeling of loneliness.

In addition, sharing time and activities with a pet reduces the stress and effects associated with this delicate state of mind. You will burn calories and remove bad thoughts.

In the case of people with degenerative or chronic diseases, animals represent a great hope that fills life with color and joy. Your dog will be like a kind of personal trainer , pushing and motivating you every day to do more.

Teamwork encouragement

Your dog will become a perfect training partner, helping you to reverse the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, there are activities designed specifically for you to do with your dog. Let’s think of agility or even the stave, a new form of yoga to do together with your four-legged friend.

Start playing sports with your dog

Before starting any sporting activity, it is important to know what your physical condition is and that of the animal. A general check-up by your doctor and veterinarian will allow you to start moving and playing sports without risk to the health of both of you.

Check the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your blood and also the state of the heart. This is crucial, especially if you haven’t done any sports in the past three years.

If you have a passion for a particular discipline, we recommend that you visit a sports doctor. Let’s talk about sports like running or cycling. It will be important to check the condition of the bones and ligaments, to prevent possible injuries. The same goes for the animal: the vet check can determine if your dog is suitable for that type of sporting activity.

It is important to remember that some breeds have a greater predisposition to exercise. For example, the German Shepherd and the Labrador, as well as the Golden Retriever, for which playing sports is ideal, since in adulthood they tend to accumulate excess weight easily .

bull terrier jogging with his master

As for smaller sized dogs, such as Beagles or Yorkshire, they should perform a quieter routine. In the latter case, yoga or staves are the ideal choice for losing weight with your dog.

Lose weight thanks to your pet

We reiterate a basic but crucial concept. If you have decided to start any sporting activity with your dog, remember to do it gradually and after passing the appropriate medical examinations.

If you opt for quieter routines, such as walking, we recommend starting with 15-minute walks per day. Respect this duration for a week and, subsequently, you can extend it up to 20 minutes or make two trips, always 15 minutes each.

After getting some shape, you can alternate walking with jogging . You should never overdo it and always check your pet’s effort levels to avoid a too tiring workout . In the summer months, always remember to bring an adequate amount of water with you, both for you and for the dog that accompanies you.

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