Love For Animals Is Born In Childhood

Love for animals was born in childhood

All children like animals, or at least it’s rare to find someone who doesn’t like them. Surely everyone likes to observe beautiful things and enjoy the wonders that life offers us. Animals fall into this category, which is why we are instinctively inclined to love them from an early age.

Despite this, even today we see people who harm these living beings, and who have probably forgotten the good feelings they had for them in childhood. We don’t know why some people do this and others don’t. However, mistreating an animal is a cruel act, which makes the person who does it despicable.

Very often it has been said that people who mistreat animals suffer from some mental disorder, but it could also be people who from an early age have been surrounded and raised by individuals who did not particularly love other species.

But these are rare cases, because most people, or at least we want to believe, love them. We remember how our love for animals was born from childhood.

How our love for animals was born



From an early age, mum bought us sheets, playpens, rattles and a multitude of things for children with drawings of cute little animals. During this time we don’t even understand what an animal is, but images of thousands of them begin to form in our subconscious.

When we start eating foods other than breast milk, our plates and cutlery are probably decorated with cute animals. Mother, desperate to get us to say our first words, begins to name each animal around us.

When we learn to speak

Soon we start talking and Mom not only wants us to know what each animal is called, she even wants us to learn the corresponding onomatopoeias. Little by little, without realizing it, love for animals is born within us. Soon they begin to read us fairy tales whose protagonists are animals, we are taught the names of the birds we see on the street, dogs, cats, etc. Most parents do this. Haven’t you ever noticed it?

At school

Before our parents even realize it, we are ready for our first day of school, and even there the teachers teach us things about animals. Here they begin to like us more and more, by now we know the names of most of them, even if we are still convinced that they speak.

Many parents try to empower their children with an animal, be it a dog, a cat, a hamster or a fish. It doesn’t matter what it is, or whether or not we have pets in the house, the love for them has already settled in our hearts.

Our love for animals grows


They have always been present in our life and it is therefore normal that, once we reach adolescence, we begin to want an animal. Perhaps our parents will please us, and this will further grow our love for animals. In any case, however, once we leave home and move into a new apartment of our own, the question will arise very soon in our minds: what if I take an animal?

It is absolutely proven that people who have pets and those who have been raised by parents who love animals have a deep love for them, and not just for the species they have had, but for all animals in general.

This is because, since childhood, our unconscious is filled with images, whether real or figurative, of animals, with their sounds and their movements. We grow up believing that they speak, that they teach us lessons, and that they are our closest friends.

And this is not entirely untrue. In fact, animals speak to us with their gestures, their affection and their heart; they teach us very important lessons about life and good feelings and always, absolutely always, show us unconditional loyalty and absolute fidelity.

If you are a parent, teach your children from childhood to love animals. After all, they are our companions, we share this planet with them. An animal can develop good feelings in your child, making him a better person. Don’t exclude animals from your life!

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