Mare Nostrum: Why It Is Important To Take Care Of The Seas

The oceans currently receive no less than 12 million tons of plastic every year, which seriously damages the marine ecosystem. We must learn to take care of the seas, or we will make them a desert.
Mare nostrum: why it is important to take care of the seas

According to an estimate by Greenpeace it has emerged that only 3% of the species that populate our oceans are protected, an impressive figure considering that the different species present are more than 700,000. International law is partly responsible for this ecological disaster, although it is at the local level that care should be taken for the seas .

Let’s find out how we can learn to care for the seas.

The worrying current state of the marine ecosystem

According to Greenpeace, 97% of our planet’s livable habitat is below ocean level. Marine waters not only house more than 700,000 species of living creatures, they also play a vital role in human life on Earth.

Currently, our oceans are estimated to be flooded with 12 million tons of plastic every year. This astronomical figure floods the seas with bags, bottles and microparticles that increasingly threaten the quality of life of marine species, putting their survival in what should be a natural and safe environment at risk.

Because you have to take care of the sea

In addition, sea currents spread plastic to all corners of the planet, carrying what could be a Sicilian bag all the way to the Pacific. Every single level of the marine food chain is filling up more and more with plastic, with no one looking for a real remedy to avoid it.

The struggle to defend marine life

The Global Ocean Commission, an international initiative created to raise awareness and promote action plans aimed at improving the health of our oceans, in 2015 issued a report in which it estimated that the disposal of plastic will reach the beauty of 500 million tons for the 2020.

Before these data, we need to focus on the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and the resources they offer us. For Green Peace the most effective way to preserve the most vulnerable ecosystems is the creation of a network of marine sanctuaries.

Greenpeace ship

Although there are still no international treaties aimed solely at taking care of our oceans, Green Peace is working to ensure that citizen awareness reaches institutions.

What can we do to take care of our seas?

Although an institutional agreement is needed on a global scale to protect the environment, we too can make small gestures that can help reduce the load of residues we produce.

Girl cleans a beach

  • If you consume fish, make sure it is in season and comes from sustainable farms or the local trade.
  • Use canvas bags, carts or backpacks instead of traditional plastic bags.
  • When you are away from home, try to bring your own cutlery instead of using the plastic ones.
  • There are cosmetic products that use plastic microspheres, usually made of polyethylene, polypropylene and nylon, which are often found in exfoliating products. You can choose to make them yourself at home by mixing honey, sugar and aloe vera, obtaining a much cheaper and less harmful solution for the environment.

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