More Precautions For Dogs Allergic To Fleas

Greater precautions for flea allergic dogs

Parasites can cause big problems for our dog. It gets worse when these parasites are as widespread as fleas. They are found everywhere and the dog is always exposed to their bites. However, we need to be even more careful if our pet is allergic to fleas.

What are fleas and how do they behave?

Author: LuAnn Snawder Photography

Fleas are small parasites without wings and with six legs, the last two more developed to allow the jump towards their victim. They feed on the blood of the being to which they attach themselves. As long as there is enough blood, the flea will have a place to stay.

They attach themselves to the fur or skin of the animal, usually on the back, sides and abdomen. In puppies, they are found mainly on the head, ears and neck.

Fleas can cause irritation, bites and blood loss in our animals. They also transmit diseases to people and dogs. Their saliva causes many dogs to be allergic to these parasites. This is known as flea bite allergic dermatitis.

What is flea allergy or flea bite allergic dermatitis?

It is an allergy caused by the saliva of the flea, which creates severe itching, irritation, swelling, and causes the dog to scratch, lick and even bite the affected area. In addition, it may also shed its hair.

This allergy occurs particularly in parts of the body such as the beginning of the tail, the abdomen, the thighs and the groin region.

In dogs with flea allergy, another thing that may be noticed is excessive redness of the skin. In these cases, attention and prevention must be intensified.

Prevention when the dog is allergic to fleas

The best defense is said to be offense. For this reason, attacking fleas before they arrive will be the best card to play to fight them and take care of our animal, safeguarding its health.

While there are many pesticide products, they contain a high level of chemical compounds and could damage your pet’s coat or skin. While it is always possible to find fewer harmful ones, this will not be enough. We must prevent them from even reaching the house.

To this end, there are various home remedies to keep them away. You must also not expose the dog to different situations or, at least, protect it before doing so.

  • Light and water. You will have to do this for a few days, but we assure you that it will be worth it. Put some water in a bowl with some dish soap, but try not to foam. Then put the container under a lamp and leave it there overnight with the light on. Upon awakening, you will see that there will be many fleas and their numbers will decrease as the days pass, showing that they are gone. This happens because fleas adore the light, and trying to reach it they end up in the container, because there the reflection is stronger.
  • Lemon juice. This is a smell and taste that fleas hate. So, the most effective, easiest and quickest way to keep them from reaching your dog is to add the juice of two or three lemons to the water in the bucket to wash the floors. And, before it occurs to you to do this, don’t put it on the animal’s skin.
  • Poleggio mint. All you have to do is put some hidden plastic bags around the house to make sure the fleas go away.
  • Lavender and vinegar. A glass of vinegar and 40 drops of lavender diluted in a bucket of water. After cleaning the house, wash again with this mixture. Any fleas in the house will die or at least get numb. The best thing is to then vacuum them to eliminate them permanently.

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