Motion Sickness In Pets

Motion sickness in pets

Who doesn’t like to travel or take a little “getaway” on the weekend, to indulge in some leisure? But we also want to enjoy these moments with our family and, of course, with our four-legged friends. However, not all animals tolerate travel well, some become restless, suffer from nausea, vomit and have a really bad time.

This is why we want to give you some tips to avoid motion sickness for your little friends, without necessarily resorting to a specific product.


Why does your pet get nauseous?

Raise your hand if you did not suffer from nausea as a child as soon as you got into the car to go on vacation. The same happens to animals too. The cause is the loss of the sense of balance, which is accompanied by nausea and the urge to vomit. The movement of the car causes the alteration of sensory perception, which is closely related to the ear.

This alteration is called motion sickness, the discomfort caused by the movement of the car that causes symptoms such as vomiting and nausea.


Get them used to them already as puppies

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There are many animals who love to travel by car, but many others who don’t like it and this makes them nervous, restless and they start to cry. Although this type of malaise is quite common, it can be due to a lack of habit; this is why it would be good to get them used to them already as puppies.

If you decide to adopt a puppy, do not be afraid to get it in the car immediately, at first he will feel nauseated, but he will soon get used to it and when he grows up he may even love the journey.

Get used to it gradually: it  will be better to start with short and frequent trips, until it adapts to make even the longest trips.

The ideal is to take a trip that has as its  destination a place in nature, where at the end of the run your dog can play and run ; this way he won’t associate the car trip with a negative experience (like going to the vet or some other place he doesn’t like). When you get home, reward him and let him know that he has done very well.

Never go on a long journey unless you are sure your dog can handle it, otherwise it will be a bad experience for you and for him. It is best to do some training first.


Let’s go, some tips

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Before leaving

It is essential to prepare the car before setting off. Make sure that the car environment is cool and ventilated: by avoiding it being hot you will be less likely to suffer from car sickness. It is also important that your friend feels comfortable and is not afraid, so his favorite toy or blanket can help him.

It would be better, before leaving, that   the animal has not eaten anything or at least that it has not ingested anything for four hours. Better that you travel on an empty stomach and having drunk a little water.

It is also a good idea to  take him for a walk before getting in the car, so that he can do his business and feel more relaxed.

You can also ask the veterinarian to prescribe some remedy to decrease the sense of nausea and above all to ensure that he does not vomit.


During the trip

Make sure that the car remains ventilated and that it is not too hot, from time to time open the window or put on some air conditioning.

Avoid strong odors such as car freshener, cigarette or any other perfume.

Try to drive as calmly as possible, avoiding sudden acceleration or braking. Abrupt driving increases the nausea in the animal.

From time to time make a short stop, to make him stretch his paws and to allow him to drink some water. Don’t forget to tell him that he is behaving well and to give him a good dose of pampering and caressing.

If the car sickness persists, try to change places.  He is more likely to get nauseous if you put it in the trunk. Move him to the back seat, but remember to arrange all the required safety means.

During the ride, talk to your dog from time to time, this will make him feel safer. It is very important that you give him serenity and tranquility: he trusts you.

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