Natural Medicines For Dogs And Cats

In addition to taking them to the vet, there are effective alternatives to normal medicines that can help you solve the small health problems of your four-legged friend.
Natural medicines for dogs and cats

The natural medicines for dogs and cats are useful for the treatment of various problems. Pets can suffer from various diseases.

When faced with any problem, the owners try to intervene quickly. In addition to taking them to the vet, there are effective alternatives to normal medicines that can help you solve the small health problems of your four-legged friend.

If you want to know all about natural medicines for dogs and cats, don’t miss this article.

Natural remedies and medicines for dogs and cats


Diarrhea is a common problem, affecting both people and animals. It may seem harmless and easily overcome. But, in reality, if left untreated it can lead to serious problems, such as dehydration or even the death of an animal. It is usually caused by bacteria or viruses, parasites or food in poor condition.

The first thing to do, in this case, is to avoid giving medicines or anything else randomly, as this could make the situation worse.

Keep the animal fasted and, if it has only mild discomfort, gas or stomach noises, it means that there is no problem.

However, in case of fever, mood swings, tremors or blood you will have to go to the vet immediately, as only he will be able to advise you on the appropriate treatment, depending on the clinical picture of each dog or cat.

In the case of a common diarrhea, you will offer him a diet with boiled foods without salt, for example based on vegetables and chicken.

Rice is prohibited in these cases, as it would absorb a large part of the water in the body and could lead to dehydration.

L ‘ cool water and clean should always be made available to your pet and in abundance.

Add a few drops of lemon, a little chamomile or a few mint leaves to speed up the healing process.


Let’s now look at the opposite case. Giving probiotics, for example, should promote the deposition of excrements, since they have a laxative effect.

If after the treatment the animal does not do its business within 48 hours, once again it will be necessary to go to the vet.

Aloe vera gel in a wooden spoon

Aloe vera is an ideal component to combat constipation and you can give it to your pet in a simple way.

Just add a few drops of the plant’s gel to the bowl of its water. It is possible that the dog or cat does not want to drink when it feels bad; in this case you can give him water through a syringe or a bottle.


Sometimes cats and dogs can have this annoying discomfort. Usually, the abundant release of gas results from a food intolerance, or is due to an excessive or low-quality diet.

Perhaps the food your pet eats is not fully absorbed by his body.

He retched

Normally, cats and dogs have this problem for no apparent reason. Keep in mind that, in most cases, vomiting is absolutely normal.

It is part of their way of digesting food. However, there are more delicate situations that may indicate some abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system, such as intoxication, the presence of parasites or any other condition.

Dog rests on the ground of a villa

The soft diet is the first remedy that you will need to put into practice to promote the healing of your pet. A help can also come from adding herbs such as lemon balm, anise, mint or ginger to its water.

However, it should be borne in mind that healing is not immediate. Therefore, it is always advisable to keep the treatment for a few days, even if the symptoms of the malaise have already disappeared.

If these natural remedies don’t work, it’s always a good idea to ask your veterinarian for help and support.

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