Photos Of Cats In Place Of Advertisements In The London Underground

Photos of cats in place of advertisements in the London Underground

The London Underground is one of the most famous in the world. This means of transport allows you to reach both the central and peripheral areas of the capital of England. Its stations are full of different advertisements, which occasionally enchant passengers.

Two animal advocates have decided to replace these ads with photos of cats. In order to do this, they had to raise money to be able to pay publicists. Here’s how they did it.

A special initiative on the London Underground

Advertising a product or shop in a place known as the London Underground costs a lot. For this reason, in order to launch this initiative conceived by Glimpse, it took some funds. Only with these could the publicists who monopolize the advertisements at Clapham station be paid.

A crowfunding campaign was organized, thanks to which £ 28,000 was raised. This was the price to be able to fill the meter with photos of cats for two weeks.

Strange as it may seem, they were simple photos of felines. They didn’t advertise defenders, pet food, shops or anything, just cats. With what purpose?

According to Glimpse, the daily stress of having to go to work, of spending many hours locked in an office, family and home, is a source of emotional pressure for people. And it is also a source of stress to have to walk through streets full of advertisements that incite to buy.

Therefore, it was necessary to do something relaxing, if only for a short time. Remind people who passed through this station how good it is to live in peace.

Finding happiness through cats

The founder of Glimpse assured that his goal was to fill the advertising spaces with things that made people happy. He wanted this initiative to make people meditate on the beauty of life and nature instead of thinking they had to buy what they saw.

If we can keep this campaign going, we could reduce the cases of depressed people and the suicides that cause stress every year.

People have positively welcomed this initiative. Hundreds of photos of cats were sent out in the hope that they would end up on the billboards of this station and others.

How do animals affect people’s souls?


While for many it seems nonsense that animals raise people’s morale, it is scientifically proven. I am able to influence them.

It doesn’t matter if we are children, adults or the elderly, animals can help us in the following ways:

  • They make us feel useful. Furry friends are totally dependent on us, which makes us feel important, strengthening our self-esteem.
  • They make us feel loved. Even if you scolded them shortly before, animals will always seek your love and attention.
  • They reduce stress. It is scientifically proven that animals are able to reduce stress. They give calm and tranquility to the people around them.
  • They strengthen the immune system of children. Yes, an animal does not transmit diseases, quite the opposite. It strengthens the immune system of the little ones, with less risk of making them sick.

    We hope that this London Underground initiative will also be launched in many other cities around the world.

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