Pixie Bob, A Cat That Looks Like The Bobcat

Despite its wild feline appearance and considerable size, the Pixie Bob breed is perfect for apartments, as they are affectionate (even with children) and have no destructive habits.
Pixie Bob, a cat that looks like the bobcat

Would you like to have a wild-looking cat with a dog-like character? These are the main characteristics of the Pixie Bob, a cat who, moreover, is also polydactyl (in other words, has more toes than normal) and has a short tail.

Discovering the Pixie Bob, the cat that resembles the bobcat

The breed originated in the northeastern United States, in the mid-eighties of the last century. It was created to resemble the bobcat, a feline that lives in the coastal mountains of that region. In this way it was possible to obtain an animal that possessed the prowess and the look of a wild animal, combined with the personality of a domestic cat.

Although the felines that gave rise to the Pixie Bob have been believed to have been crossed with lynxes that lived in the area, there is no conclusive genetic evidence to support this claim. Nonetheless, the breed’s physical characteristics seem to suggest otherwise.

The Pixie Bob resembles the lynx, but is affectionate and homely

Physical characteristics of the Pixie Bob

The Pixie Bob is a sturdy, muscular cat, between medium and large in size and weighing around five kilograms. It stands out for its wild look and its elongated body. In addition, it has the following physical characteristics:

  • Head : has the shape of an upside-down pear. It features a prominent forehead, a long muzzle and a strong chin.
  • Ears : with a medium set and a wide base, they have a rounded tip and have the typical spots of lynxes.
  • Eyes : oval in shape. The color matches that of the fur.
  • Legs : long and heavy, with long and thick toes too. The posterior ones are slightly higher than the anterior ones.
  • Tail : it can be almost non-existent, short or long. It is thick and, in general, measures between 5 and 15 centimeters.
  • Fur : durable and waterproof. There are short-haired specimens and long-haired specimens. They have a thick double coat, which has a woolly texture.
  • Color : ranges from brown to reddish, with small to medium spots.

Remember that polydactyly is believed to be present in half of the specimens of this breed. Generally they have between 6 and 7 toes on the anterior extremities, and between 5 and 6 in the posterior ones.

A cat with a canine personality

In addition to his loyalty and attachment to human beings, the Pixie Bob is classified as a “disguised” dog, because it is possible to train him to walk with a leash. Likewise, it behaves very well with children and other pets.

The Pixie Bob is a cat that is particularly suited to living in an apartment

Intelligent, affectionate, manageable, sociable and reliable are perfect adjectives to define this cat which, despite its hunting skills and the fact that it is particularly active, prefers the comfort of home. For this reason, it is an animal that can live in an apartment without any problems and that, moreover, does not have destructive habits.

Another of its peculiarities is the fact that it likes to play with water, to the point that it can even swim. On the other hand, it is not a cat that meows too much, but is able to communicate by emitting different sounds, in particular the characteristic chirps that it alternates with grunts.

Care required by the breed

The Pixie Bob has a life expectancy of between 12 and 16 years. It is a healthy and strong animal, which, to date, does not appear to present any health problems typical of its breed.

Regarding the care of his coat, this will depend on its length. Long-haired specimens need to be brushed regularly to avoid the formation of knots and thus facilitate a good moult. In the case of short-haired animals, it is sufficient to brush them once a week.

On the other hand, as happens in the rest of pets, it is necessary to offer him a diet adapted to his characteristics, to make periodic visits to the vet, deworming and vaccinating him.

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