Pros And Cons Of The Animal Adoption Contract

If you want to adopt a pet, you need to consider some legal issues before doing so.
Pros and cons of the animal adoption contract

Today, it is increasingly common to sign an adoption contract when deciding to adopt a pet. While not mandatory, it is a valid and dignified way of encouraging adoption and holding it accountable.

However, many people do not know the pros and cons of signing this document. Here are the main details of a pet adoption contract.

What is the pet adoption contract?

The Pet Adoption Agreement is a binding document that contains the conditions that underpin and guide adoption. This document can be established between two natural persons or between an abandoned animal shelter or kennel and a natural person.

Proof of ownership of the animal must be demonstrated in the text of the adoption contract. That is, it must specify how the animal reached the hands of the person who is adopting it.

Of course, the rules and responsibilities implied in the act of adoption cannot be missing in this document. After adoption, each party keeps a duly signed copy of the contract.

To ensure its legal validity, the signatures must be present on all pages of the contract. In addition, the document must contain all the identification data of the person or institution that hands over the animal for adoption and receives it.

Dog with a small suitcase on the street.

What are the aspects governed by the adoption contract?

As we have mentioned, this document governs not only how the pet is handed over to its new guardian, but also its obligations and responsibilities towards a pet.

The state of health of the animal must also be stated in the adoption document, with the health booklet duly updated.

In the event that the animal suffers from a specific disease or special need, this information should be recorded in the adoption contract.

Below, we summarize the main aspects that should be registered and are governed by the pet adoption contract:

  • Date of adoption. Place, date, time and conditions of delivery of the animal for adoption.
  • Donor information. Personal and basic data about the individual or organization delivering the pet for adoption.
  • Data of the new owner e. Personal and basic information about the natural person receiving the pet for adoption.
  • Amount of adoption. In case you need to pay an amount for the adoption, the value must appear on the contact, as well as the payment method.
  • State of health of the animal. Updated health record, state of health based on a medical examination performed by a veterinarian, specific diseases or needs, etc.
  • Health history. If the dog has had some diseases, it must be recorded in the adoption contract, as well as the treatments performed.
  • Medical treatments and practices. The adoption contract must also show the medical or surgical practices to which the animal has been subjected. For example: castration or sterilization, surgery, deworming, etc.

    Basic clauses

    Adopt a dog: woman cuddles her dog.
    The basic clauses of the adoption contract have as their main objective to ensure that the animal receives adequate care. Below, we will list the essential conditions that make up this document and of which it is good to be aware:

    • Make a commitment to provide adequate care for the adopted animal.
    • Do not exercise any kind of physical or emotional abuse on the animal.
    • Do not abandon, ignore or entrust the animal to other people.
    • Commit to return the animal to the institution or donor if it is unable to provide it with due care.
    • Update the identification data in case of changes (for example, removal of the address).
    • Agree to respect and facilitate the follow-up carried out by the kennel or animal shelter, to ensure the good health and well-being of the animal, as well as its adaptation to the new home.
    • In case of violation of one of the clauses, the guardian can return the animal to the institution or to the donor. Likewise, the donor can also recover possession of the animal for reasons of default.

      Therefore, the goal of signing an adoption contract is to commit to encouraging and practicing responsible pet ownership.

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