Recovery Surgery For Stray Dogs And Cats From The Bronx

Recovery surgery for stray dogs and cats from the Bronx

Following the intervention of the municipal police of the Bronx, in New York, a large number of stray animals were collected. Dogs and cats of all races and ages, puppies and seniors, are now waiting for a new family. Some of them bear clear signs of mistreatment.

Temporary accommodation is accommodation in zoonosis prevention centers. Sterilization is considered an essential step before adoption by a new owner.

Dogs collected in the Bronx are good and sociable. After being collected, they are washed, examined, fed, dewormed and vaccinated. Interventions of sterilization and identification by microchip are foreseen; in this way, animals that have an owner can return home and those that do not have one can be adopted in the shortest possible time.

Stray animals: a common problem around the world, not just in the Bronx


The problem of abandonment affects almost every country in the world. Stray dogs and cats, usually the result of their owners’ irresponsibility, are unfortunately an image many of us are used to.

The reasons that lead to abandoning a pet are the most varied. They range from the birth of a child, to moving, going through college, which makes it impossible for kids to take care of the dog.

How to behave when we find a stray dog

It can happen that a stray dog ​​is so afraid of humans that it does not even allow itself to be approached. In such a dramatic situation, however, there  are several actions we can take.

  • The first thing to do, if possible, will be to get a blanket or an old shirt and some tasty food. Ideally, it would also be possible to have a collar with a leash.
  • In the first phase of approach, we will leave the food at a certain distance and we will move away. 
  • Only then will we be able to sit next to the animal, not too close or too far away. The attitude to be held will be calm and conciliatory: the dog will perceive it.
  • Very gently we will bring the food to the dog.
  • As soon as we have gained his trust, we can fix the leash. If the dog does not have a collar we will have to try to put one on it or at least try to tie it to us. This operation must be done with the utmost affection, without violence or aggression.
  • At this point we can take the animal home. If the skin is injured due to infection or other trauma, it is important to cover the animal with an old blanket or garment to avoid making the situation worse.
  • Once at home, we can start feeding the animal with the food we have available. It is important to consider that, if the animal has spent a lot of time on the street, it will have fed on all kinds of leftovers. Suddenly switching to ready-to-eat dog food could cause him severe indigestion. Our four-legged friend needs to adapt to the new diet gradually.
  • A warm and comfortable corner with a blanket will suffice at first.
  • As soon as possible (wait at least the next day, so that the newcomer has got used to the new owner a little) we will take him to the vet without delay. If you do not have the financial possibility, you can contact an animal protection body; by posting the dog’s photos on social networks it will be easier to get help, or you can organize a collection in favor of the animal.

    The purpose is adoption


    The ultimate goal of collecting stray dogs and cats, after they have been neutered, is to find them a new family. After much analysis, it was concluded that the best way to circumscribe abandonment is sterilization. This is a key measure against the overpopulation of stray dogs.

    Another important point concerns the education of children, future animal lovers or abusers. The teachings they receive today will affect their adult behavior. Respect for animals is a value that we must transmit.

    Source of images:

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