Seawater Poisoning In Dogs

If your dog drinks sea water, he could become dangerously intoxicated. Here’s how to prevent the problem and how to possibly treat it.
Seawater poisoning in dogs

Days on the beach in the company of your pet can amount to a risk of seawater poisoning in dogs, because the dangers of water are added to the frequent ingestion of sand. To avoid this possibility, the owners will have to strictly control the behavior of their four-legged friend on the beach.

The idea of ​​a day at the beach with your dog is very tempting, especially if you can only do it from time to time. Dogs that are not used to the marine environment tend to play and inspect everything from sand to waves.

This curiosity would not be a problem if the animals were limited to digging or entertaining themselves with the comings and goings of the tide. In most cases, however, they end up trying everything that catches their attention.

While choosing clean environments, not contaminated by common cigarette butts, excrement or other waste, sea water presents certain dangers that should be considered.

Causes of seawater poisoning in dogs

Like what happens to people, a small sip of salt water poses no danger to dogs. If, however, the quantity is greater, the animal will undergo the so-called “beach diarrhea”, with the consequent intestinal disorders.

Milder cases of seawater poisoning in dogs typically last a few days, during which time the animal will feel more apathetic from being unwell. Conversely, if the ingestion of water has been greater or if, for some reason, a serious adverse reaction has occurred, the animal will experience vomiting, muscle tremors or convulsions.

The imbalance of electrolytes, due to the abundance of sodium present in sea water, can favor a lethargic or confused state in the animal. In the presence of this situation, it is advisable to go immediately to the vet.

Dog in the water at the beach

The presence of toxic algae in the sea is also a risk factor for seawater poisoning in dogs, especially if they are microscopic. Although many are not visible, they generally emit unpleasant odors that allow them to be identified. Paradoxically, it will be this bad smell that will attract the dog’s curiosity, which will therefore try them.

Poisonous algae are not only a danger of the sea, in fact they can also be found in lakes, ponds, rivers and even in swimming pools that are not cleaned in the right way. In case the dog is suspected of ingestion, the treatment against ingested toxins must be indicated by the professional.

Treatment and prevention

The treatment decided will depend on the quantity of water ingested, the quality and the symptoms presented. Gastric lavages will be recommended if toxins are present. For milder ailments, hydrating the animal or inducing vomiting may be sufficient measures.

In the days following seawater poisoning, it is completely normal for the animal to appear tired or with poor appetite. Gastrointestinal upset and treatment will contribute to the aforementioned lethargy.

Dog lying and sick

To prevent seawater poisoning in dogs, it is best to hydrate them sufficiently. Offering the animal drinking water through bottles with waterers will avoid the temptation to drink from the sea.

Even so, the curiosity towards the surrounding environment, intensified by the waves, will continue to be present. For this reason, if you do not want to deprive the animal of the pleasure of moving without a leash, the owners will have to constantly check its condition.

It is also recommended that owners and dogs spend a certain amount of time together, so as to increase the tiredness of the latter, which will tend to wander more placidly.

The trips out of town to the sea can offer great fun to our four-legged friends, as well as being beneficial since they will find themselves in a natural environment. Being aware of the risks of these places, however, will induce owners to periodically check their animals; this will consequently make this experience more enjoyable for both of you.

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