Self-discipline To Discipline Dogs

Self-discipline to discipline dogs

Sometimes owners pretend to educate and discipline the dog without first doing an exercise in self-control to moderate anger and to dominate the emotions of the moment. In order to discipline the dog we must first discipline ourselves and control our impulses,  otherwise we risk giving orders that contradict our actions. If we do not want the dog to be aggressive it is necessary to correct our angry and violent attitudes.

Before working on the education of the dog it is necessary that the owner is able to control his impulses. In this article we will show you seven steps to follow that will help you behave correctly.

God please let me be half the man my dog ​​thinks I am


7 steps to control your dog


  • You have to be the leader.  Your dog needs to understand from an early age that you are the leader. Obviously, to do this, one must not resort to physical or verbal violence. Remember that to be able to discipline the dog, you must be able to discipline yourself. You must address the dog in a firm and calm tone and your behavior must be consistent. A good boss is a benevolent, authoritative and above all consistent leader. Learning to behave accordingly with the orders you give to your faithful friend is the first step towards a peaceful relationship in which there will be no room for aggression, to people or animals, for tugging or barking.
    • Think how a dog would think. You must be aware that our four-legged friends cannot be “humanized”. Dogs have no repentance or feelings of guilt for their actions. However, there is some similarity between dogs and people. An affinity that modern science has defined as “functional homology”: the animal has a level of sensitivity comparable to that of a child. The education of our four-legged friend must therefore take into account the importance of the role played by emotions in learning and that they change according to circumstances and the environment. For this reason it is very important that you learn to control yourself and to be patient.
    • You know his predictable mindset.  Dogs have a pack mentality, if they don’t recognize a leader, they proclaim themselves as such. You have to check your weakness and let him know who the pack leader is. You have to decide:
      1. When and what to eat.
      2. When and for how long to play.
      3. Who directs you walk, that is you.
      4. Who can take away objects from the other, food or toys.
      • You don’t have to apologize. You must be able to affirm your personality without falling into passive or aggressive behavior, in one word: assertiveness! Orders must be firm, clear and concise. Don’t shout or speak in an angry tone. This is all very important for controlling your dog.


      • It is best not to use an extendable leash. The retractable leashes, in fact, reduce your ability to control the dog. You don’t have to resort to force, you can control your pet’s pace without jerking. Always check your anger. True, you are the pack leader, but the dog does not have to follow you and walk behind you. You have to walk next to each other. Don’t get overtaken, otherwise he’ll start pulling on the leash.
        • Stroll together.  To discipline the dog it is essential to take long walks. A small gesture that will help strengthen the bond that unites you. It is a way to let the dog vent, to release stress or anxiety, and he will be grateful to you.
        • You have to be calm and kind. Of course, work and everyday problems often stress us and we go home exhausted. Your dog has no faults. Don’t get angry, if the dog is not treated as usual, he could get confused and give rise to bad behavior just to get your attention.

        Now you know how important it is to learn to control your emotions and have self-control skills. You have to be patient and consistent if you want to educate your faithful four-legged friend. If you don’t want to have a nervous, aggressive and stressed dog… give the example.

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