Should I Give My Dog ​​vitamins?

Vitamins are a very important part of our diet and nutrition  and none of us would have any doubts in taking them. However, when it comes to vitamins to give to our dog, many doubts arise and we don’t know what to do. I can? Better not give them to him? How can I be sure? 

We at My Animals  are here to tell you all about this and other topics of interest to you, so that you can take better care of your pet.

Can dogs be given vitamins?

The answer is yes, but not human vitamins, but those designed specifically for them, which you can find in stores specializing in the sale of pet products.  

Although they are suitable for dogs, you cannot give them to them at any time, only when necessary, as an overdose of vitamins can cause problems for the animal. 

We talk about overdose because the food prepared for dogs contains all the minerals and vitamins they need. So when are vitamins needed for a dog?

When can I give my dog ​​vitamins

Dogs with home diet

Dogs that eat homemade food may be deficient in the necessary vitamins, because it is not always known how to ensure a balanced diet.

In these cases it is advisable to complete the diet with vitamins, so that your friend’s body works properly, since vitamins are in charge of this.

However, according to experts, it is advisable for the animal to be fed a special feed, as it contains all the minerals and substances that its body needs. This is particularly necessary in females who have just given birth and which, therefore, have a lowering of the defenses and need a greater source of the same.

Vitamins vs vitamin complexes

There are several cases in which it is possible to administer vitamins to a dog. For example, if you are anemic, if you are sick or if you are very thin. In these cases, vitamins may be needed, but never a vitamin complex, but some specific ones to treat the animal’s problem. As we always say, the vet is the one who can advise you best. 

Dogs with pathologies

Each vitamin has a distinct composition and function. For example, vitamin B is used to treat nerve pathologies, while B1 can be of great help against aging.

In these cases, therefore, a right dose of the necessary vitamins can guarantee your dog a better quality of life. However, if the dog is fed a food specific to his problem, and which is of excellent quality, it will be possible to do without vitamins. 

The food we give to our animals, therefore, will say a lot about their health and can also improve it or, vice versa, make it worse. Although a high quality, specific food for a certain physical condition may be more expensive, it is worth it; good nutrition can extend your pet’s life and ensure better health.

Vitamins for humans?

Usually, no, dogs cannot be given vitamins for humans. Dogs are carnivorous beings who do not have the same needs as us.

However, there are some vitamin complexes that can be given in the right dose to dogs. Remember, however, that the veterinarian must always authorize you: an excess of vitamins or an intake of the wrong ones can cause problems for the animal.

Human vitamins that are usually licensed for dogs are:

  • Multivitamin complexes
  • For the joints
  • Probiotics
  • Fish oil

Even in these cases, however, we can replace vitamins with natural food. For example, probiotics can be found in yogurt, just as fish oil is provided by the Omega 3 found in fish. Either way,  any decisions must be made after consulting your vet.

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