Some People Kiss Their Dog More Than Their Partner

Some people kiss their dog more than their partner

The tenderness that a dog arouses often pushes the owner to overwhelm him with cuddles, to be overprotective and to fill him with kisses.

So far everything normal, kissing your dog is a rather common gesture; the oddity is, however, knowing that a large number of people reserve many more kisses for the dog than for their partner.

Why do they kiss the dog more?

For some of us this situation may seem incomprehensible, yet there are several reasons that push many people to do so.

To feel closer


It is certainly no secret that, no matter how close you feel to your partner, no one puts us as comfortable as a dog, especially if he has lived with us “forever”.

To some it may seem exaggerated, but there are people who feel the need to express more affection towards the dog by kissing him; it is a gesture that not only serves to demonstrate how important the animal is for them, but also represents one of the most effective ways to show his love for the dog.

However, it is indisputable that the relationship that is created between owner and dog, in some cases, is only overcome by the bond that exists between mother and child.

Because you feel more trust

Sometimes, especially when the relationship is not going through one of its best moments, the issue of kissing can become a problem ; we constantly wonder what our partner will be feeling or thinking at that moment.

The consequence is that the kisses, which no longer make us feel completely comfortable, abruptly decrease, at least for a certain time.

This situation will never occur with our dog, always eager to give us his complete and unconditional love.

Because you feel more affection

Yes, it may seem disconcerting, but there are people who simply feel more affection for their four-legged friend than for their partner. This is why they kiss him the most.

Without detracting from the feelings they feel for their better half, some owners  develop a much stronger bond with their dog.

In a nutshell, the relationship does not necessarily have to be problematic or unstable, rather  there are times when a person prioritizes or feels more tenderness and protective instinct for the dog. 

Is kissing your dog good for your health?

When it comes to kissing dogs, this question arises spontaneously; multiple sources claim that kissing the dog is a harmful gesture for health, due to the presence on its face, of an enormous amount of bacteria.

Those who agree with this opinion will be surprised to learn that a team of researchers has shown the opposite: kissing and being kissed by the dog would even be beneficial. 

The dog, in fact, by continuously licking anything, is loaded with a series of bacteria that help strengthen our immune system. Obviously, this happens if you keep the dog with good hygiene, otherwise with a lick of it we will certainly not make a “full of health”.

According to a group of scientists from the University of Arizona, this effect is due to the fact that healthy dogs carry, inside the stomach, a series of microbes that have a probiotic effect on us ; that is to say, they stimulate the proliferation of some elements of our bacterial flora, with positive results on health.

How many kisses do you give the dog?


Based on various studies, it was found that 76 percent of the owners interviewed kissed their dog 2 to 4 times a day.


  • 84 percent of the owners played with the dog every day.
  • 89 percent watched TV with the dog.
  • 64 percent said they share things with their dog they would never share with anyone else.
  • 86 percent of owners hugged the dog at least twice a day.

As you can see, then, that there are people who kiss their dog more than their partner is not such an absurd claim.

Images courtesy of Sal.

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