Sphynx, The Sphinx Cat

Sphynx, the sphinx cat

The Sphynx (sphinx cat) is a cat that breaks all the clichés that have always been part of the world of felines. In addition to having a different physiology, his personality resembles that of a dog rather than that of any feline. This Egyptian cat was the model that inspired Steven Spielberg to create his most famous film character, ET

Where does the Sphynx come from?

The specific origin of this breed is unknown, although some effigies depicting “naked” cats have been found on clay vessels from Egyptian and pre-Columbian times. However, the current breed dates back to the 20th century. The first appearances of hairless cats have been documented since 1960, but only in 1966 did a breeding process begin. In fact, this feline breed is still in its infancy – there are only 60 (approximately) of them worldwide. This number is due to the fact that it is not always easy to find suitable specimens for breeding.

What does the Sphynx look like?


The most surprising feature in this breed is the lack of hair. This characteristic does not put it in an unfavorable condition compared to other cats, even if it makes it very different to the touch. Its skin is smooth and the internal body temperature is high, as it does not have a coat of hair that insulates it from the cold.

The Sphynx is a medium sized, healthy, strong and muscular cat . The ears are very large and the eyes are elliptical in shape, like a lemon. The belly is prominent and rounded, and the presence of wrinkles on the skin does not mean that it is advanced in age. On the contrary, in this breed the wrinkles are very appreciated, especially those around the muzzle, between the ears, around the shoulders and on the neck.

What is the nature of the Sphynx?

Unlike most felines, this cat is very affectionate and is constantly looking for cuddles from its owners. This breed does not fall within the ordinary canons that generally characterize cats, as it has a mixture of characteristics that belong to monkeys, dogs and cats. This cat is affectionate, playful, intelligent and not very independent: it does not support a solitary life. Often referred to as a little clown, very lively and active.

What does Sphynx eat?


The diet of this animal must be balanced, very rich in nutrients and, above all, in fats, since, being devoid of hair, it needs to burn a high amount of calories to maintain an adequate body temperature. This cat is very greedy and is always ready to eat anything, so it is advisable to keep an eye on its nutrition and offer it exclusively cat food.

For this reason, the best food for the sphinx cat is the industrial one which, thanks to scientific and veterinary research, has been significantly improved over the years. There are different types of preparations on the market, developed according to the physiological state of the animal, including special diets for the prevention or treatment of cat diseases.

Today there is a specific food for Sphynx on the market, made with products that meet their needs. If you prefer to feed it with a more generic industrial food, that is, valid for any breed, this must be of high quality; Furthermore, it must be borne in mind that, being a cat that eats more than normal, it could ingest excessive quantities of food.

It is useful to supplement dry food with wet or semi-moist food. Finally, it is very important that this cat always has fresh and clean water available, which is essential for maintaining proper hydration.

Does the Sphynx need special care?

A high-calorie diet produces a greater amount of fat that is deposited on the skin and earwax that accumulates in the ears, so it is necessary to regularly clean the auricle with special wipes. Furthermore, the hygiene of this cat, even if it is hairless, is as important as that of other cats. Therefore, it will be necessary to take a weekly bath in the summer and a monthly one in the winter. For this particular breed you will have to use dermoprotective shampoo and soap, as, being without a coat, these products will be used in direct contact with the skin.

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