Symptoms Of Conjunctivitis In Dogs: What To Do?

Conjunctivitis is a disorder that can make your dog suffer a lot and must be treated promptly and effectively, without being underestimated.
Symptoms of conjunctivitis in dogs: what to do?

Without a doubt, the eyes are one of the most delicate parts of your pet. That is why it is very important to take care of it and check for any changes. In the case of conjunctivitis in dogs, the symptoms of this disorder are very evident.

Knowing how to recognize them in time will help you solve the problem effectively, avoiding the worst pain and discomfort to your four-legged friend. Here’s what to do when you notice  symptoms of conjunctivitis in dogs.

What is conjunctivitis in dogs?

This condition has to do with inflammation of the conjunctiva, a mucous membrane that surrounds the eyeball.

This has the function of lubricating the eye. Therefore, being inflamed, the risk is that the eye remains dry, causing irritation and pain. You think that the simple contact with the eyelid produces an unbearable discomfort.

Black dog lying down with half-closed eyes

What are the symptoms of conjunctivitis in dogs

If you have had a dog for some time, surely you know that these animals have very intense tearing. This is not to be confused with the symptoms of conjunctivitis.

These appear in the form of clearly visible changes in your dog’s eyes that are typical of a classic inflammation. Let’s see together what they are, thanks to this summary list:

  • Difficulty closing the eyelids. Since the membrane is inflamed, the space to raise and lower the eyelids is significantly reduced. Hence, it is clear that the animal will show difficulty in making this simple movement.
  • Photophobia. Another warning sign of canine conjunctivitis is, without a doubt, your dog’s excessive sensitivity to light. You already know that dogs really like sunbathing, which gives them warmth and vitamins, but in the presence of this pathology, the animal will show difficulties in the presence of too much light.
  • Little desire to go out. Due to the sensitivity of the eyes to light, as we mentioned in the previous point, the animal will refuse to go out on the street, because it will be the defense that its brain and body create against too much light, which causes profound discomfort.
  • Continuous rubbing of the eyes. Conjunctivitis, like most irritations, tends to cause itching. One of the most obvious symptoms will be to notice the dog obsessively trying to scratch his eyes.
  • Suppuration. If the conjunctivitis is now in an advanced state, it reaches a greater level of criticality, with the presence and secretion of  pus from the eyes.

What to do if your dog has conjunctivitis?

In case you are sure of the presence of pus discharge from the eyes, you should immediately take the pet to the vet.

Conjunctivitis has now reached a highly dangerous stage and could cause great harm to your best friend.

Mistress applies eye drops to her dog's eye

Conversely, if the disease has not yet reached such severity, there are several things you can do at home to alleviate this discomfort:

  • Clean your eyes. With a little physiological serum, cleanse your dog’s eyes. introducing a few drops into the eyeball. This will not only relieve discomfort, but will also allow you to moisten and refresh the irritated area. Remember never to give your pet any medicine for human use.
  • Apply eye drops. Talk to your trusted veterinarian, who will be happy to advise you on the most suitable eye drops, based on the type of conjunctivitis your pet has. This drug product is ideal for reducing inflammation and preventing it from getting worse.
  • Buy an Elizabethan collar. If you notice that your pet is scratching the eye area excessively, using this bell-shaped collar will prevent him from injuring himself.

    Always observe any changes that may occur in your pet’s body and take the necessary steps in time to help him and relieve symptoms.

    You will see that any problem can be solved effectively, with a minimum of attention.

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