Symptoms Of Constipation In Dogs And What To Do

How can we tell if the dog is suffering from constipation? We present some of the most common symptoms. 
Dog constipation symptoms and what to do

Among the symptoms of constipation in dogs the most evident is the inability or difficulty to evacuate. Despite this, this disorder also typically causes changes in the smell or consistency of the animal’s faeces, as well as changes in its usual behavior.

For this reason, it is important to observe the droppings of your four-legged friend every day and pay attention to any sudden changes in behavior. Below we will explain better what are the symptoms of constipation in dogs and its possible causes.

Main symptoms of constipation in dogs

There are some signs that our dog is constipated. Between these:

  • Defecating or trying to do it outside the usual places. For example, defecating at home when he is used to it on the street.
  • Difficulty evacuating (the dog maintains the typical position to evacuate and struggles for a long time, but is unable to pass his feces).
  • Swelling, tenderness and abdominal pain.
  • She cries, moans, and shows signs of pain when she tries to relieve herself.
  • Loss of weight and appetite.
  • Vomiting.
  • Feces smaller, drier, harder and darker.
  • Traces of blood or mucus in the stool.
  • Alterations in behavior: short temper, excessive fatigue, depression, lethargy, aggression, etc.

Possible causes of constipation in dogs

Tired dog in the basket

Constipation in dogs can have different causes depending on their lifestyle and body. For this reason, if we suspect that our dog is suffering from constipation, we must take him to the vet as soon as possible.

In the veterinary clinic, the professional will be able to check the health of the animal, identify the specific causes and recommend a treatment appropriate to the needs of our best friend. To help you better understand this common ailment in dogs, we summarize its most common causes below:

  • Low-fiber diet: A diet that is low in fiber or too dry is one of the main causes of constipation in our dogs. The introduction of fresh food, as well as the adoption of a homemade and wet diet, is effective for improving the intestinal transit of dogs.
  • Poor hydration : Dogs who drink little water are more likely to suffer from constipation. Poor hydration can also lead to other health problems, such as dehydration, urinary tract disorders, and kidney failure. It is essential to keep the dog well hydrated throughout the year, and especially on the hottest days. The animal must always have fresh water available.
    • Stress : Stress is also one of the most frequent causes of constipation in dogs. Several factors can cause stress in dogs, for example poor physical or mental stimulation, a transfer, an unbalanced diet, a negative environment, etc.
    • Ingestion of foreign bodies : if by accident the dog swallows a toy, an object or another foreign body, this element can obstruct its digestive system and prevent proper intestinal transit. To avoid this, it is important not to offer toys or objects that have small elements, fabrics or loose strings, for example.
    • Pathological Causes : Certain diseases, metabolic disorders and inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract can cause numerous digestive disorders in dogs. In addition to this, some neurological disorders are also often associated with constipation in dogs.

      Some natural remedies for constipation in dogs

      If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms in your dogs, remember to take them to the vet right away. While there are a number of natural remedies to combat constipation in dogs, it is essential to confirm the diagnosis through a trained professional.

      Constipation in the dog

      After checking the health of your four-legged friends, we recommend that you include some fresh, high-fiber foods in their diets. The following foods help improve intestinal transit and prevent constipation in dogs:

      • Cooked pumpkin.
      • Grated or cooked carrot.
      • Spinach and lettuce (always finely chopped to prevent the dog from drowning).
      • Oats.
      • Brown rice.
      • Probiotics : kefir, natural yogurt with no added sugar and lactose or natural supplements.

      The importance of hydration

      It will also be essential to increase the hydration of our pets to prevent constipation and other damage to their bodies. In addition to leaving fresh, clean water always available to them throughout the day, we can also prepare wet food and delicious refreshing recipes, such as popsicles for dogs to make at home.

      Thanks to these basic guidelines, it is possible to treat and prevent constipation in a dog in a natural way. Despite this, always remember that consulting the veterinarian is essential to establish an appropriate treatment for the needs of the animal.

      For all these reasons, in the presence of any anomaly in the excrement or if you observe changes in the behavior of your dogs, we advise you to contact your trusted veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

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