That’s Why Having A Cat Is Good For The Heart

That's why having a cat is good for the heart

We all know that having a pet offers so many benefits. Today, however, we are talking about something very concrete. According to official medicine, in fact, adopting and living with a cat is good for the heart.

The cardiovascular system has only one protagonist. Your heart, a fundamental and delicate muscle. Our lifestyle, nutrition and stress can negatively affect your health.

So it’s worth explaining why having a cat at home can help keep your heart in perfect health.

The relationship between cats and a healthy heart

Having a cat is good for the heart, here's why

It is said that cat owners are less likely to suffer from heart attacks. A thesis that now also has a scientific foundation, thanks to research from the University of Minnesota.

The study involved around 4,500 people, half of whom live with a small feline. The subjects were monitored over a very large period: 10 years. Enough time to officially determine that cat owners had better cardiac health. Furthermore, the risks of heart attacks appeared to be reduced by 30%.

Interesting data, to which others have also been added. In 2009 another research confirmed the value of the results obtained by the University of Minnesota, confirming that those who live with a cat have fewer symptoms than cardiovascular diseases.

The cat is good for the heart, but not only

The ‘siesta’, elixir of life

According to a legend, it was cats who invented the concept of an afternoon nap. They sleep at any time of the day, being very active at night. Taking a little siesta will not only allow you to relax and rest, but improves your creativity, alertness and general well-being. Heart included, obviously.

They never back down

From a psychological point of view, cats are very persistent. They always fight for what they want, until the end. It is known that a healthy ambition allows man to realize his desires, his dreams. They are an example of how, therefore, it is possible to reach an important slice of happiness, through the affirmation of one’s will.

They’re funny

We have seen many times, together, how much fun it is to live with a pet. Having a cat is something very unique.

Cats’ curiosity always pushes them to get into funny and bizarre situations. An original way to indirectly snatch a smile from your masters. Have you ever tried putting your cat in front of the mirror or washing it?

Laughing is good for the heart, and this explains the great success of funny videos with cats, which go viral on the Internet every day. Seeing these images for just 20 minutes reduces our cortisol level, improving long-term memory.

A natural antidepressant

Having a cat is good for the heart, here's why

Petting a cat for several minutes reduces stress. It also improves your mood, being a very positive distraction especially for those suffering from depression. They allow people to engage in routine activities, exercise, move and take their minds off negative thoughts. Caring for a cat improves contact with the outside world and people’s sociability.

The best remedy for loneliness

A lonely heart is a dull, dull heart that, in the long run, can lead to negative or even self-harming habits. Cats are excellent companions in life, they know how to listen, calm loneliness and relieve the heart.

In short, there are many benefits that derive from having a cat at home, both for our heart and for our health in general. Both physical and psychic. Well, if you don’t have one yet, try adopting a kitten yourself: you  will benefit a lot!

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